WARNING!-"Angel" may contain violence, gore, mature language, a complete disreguard for political correctness, religion, science, and some drug use. If any of these bother you please proceed with caution or leave.
Here's the new deal on updates: readers should get an RSS feed for the comic. I'll try to keep up a "1 page per week on Friday" schedule since my schedule isn't as busy this semester but that doesn't mean it's going to happen or that that update will actually happen on Friday so seriously get the RSS. If you don't know what an RSS or you're lazy (good for you) click on this Angel's RSS Feed. It's pretty intuitive from there.
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So it begins. We're out of origins and into the real second arc of Angel. Some of you might be asking why the cover looks a little, odd. Well it's because I used watercolor for the colorization and it doesn't scan all that well. But it looks a lot better in real life so there you are. Anyway I'm psyched about this arc and the general reformat. Using bigger pages in real life hand writing the dialog has made everything faster, easier, and, with the exception of my dispicable handwriting, has improved quality. Also there are a few hints in this cover that make it more than what it may seem at first. Go ahead play "spot the foreshadowing."
Comic For 8-15-08

Written and Illustrated by John "Cpt Link128" Smith

Cpt Link128
Here's the news on the comic for the fall: I won't be as busy so I'll have time to work on it. I can't promise weekly updates but I can say that it's not entirely unlikely. I can say that the new way of doing things i.e. using larger paper, doing all the dialog by hand, etc has sped up the production process considerably so look forward to updates that are of higher quality and greater frequency.

Cpt Link128
Mostly just updating for freshness's sake. School's been really working me and I've got a few other distractions, games and such. Just hang in there I'm still working on the comic and I do have the next few pages planned out pretty well so it's really just a matter of putting pencil and ink to the page. Wish me luck and pray we're on time next week.

Cpt Link128
Yeah I've been on vacation (fishing) for the last few weeks which is why there was no updatey..updaty..whatever...goodness. Not the best time I admit bit of a cliffhanger there but I will double update fingers-crossed this week so as to make up for it. You may finally find out what happened to Sarah!

Cpt Link128
Hey guys the comicgenesis sittuation has gotten rediculous and almost to the point I can't even update. So we're using drunk duck as a temporary place to check out new pages here's the link and url http://www.drunkduck.com/Angel_by_John_Smith/

Cpt Link128
I've been pretty happy with the production quality and overall consistency of updates lately. Unfortunately Comicgenesis hasn't had the same luck. Updates have been delayed and a lot of server stuff has hurt this consistency. I'm not ready to move the site just yet but there may be an alert so keep on the lookout. Also June 6 is coming up (history buffs know what that means) so the June Wallpaper should be up a little early. It might also skip a few wars. We'll go back a coulple for July (US history buffs will know why. Hint: Quaker state. No it's not the declaration but yes it is the 4th). After that I'm open to suggestions for good conflicts for the Never Forget series.

Cpt Link128
Appologies for not having this up last night like I planned. Poor planning on my part. Also I think it'll be easier to update mon and friday instead of sun and thurs. So we switch again.

Cpt Link128
Hey guys I did this Sunday update almost completely on Friday so I think I'll be able to do more frequent updates so the new official unofficial update schedule is going to be Thursday, Sunday. If that doesn't work out I'll get something consistent worked out. I hope I can maintain this for the whole summer so wish me luck.

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