Web Comic: TCCPC

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By: Jeff Panczak user profile
Last Published Comic: 195 Months 1 Week ago by 16
Description: A Professor has hired a few hands to help around his lab. After his son really messes up on an expirement, they all have to try to clean up his mess. Bob is a young man and has been working with the Prof. for a long time. They to all sorts of Johnny Quest crap together. Johnny Law is a 24 year old police officer who is working with the Prof. to catch Profsons' failed experiment, Brainhead. The meat of the comic is the whole crew trying to get Brainhead and doing all sorts of adventury stuff. theres a lot of other stuff to the comic but you really cant sum it all up into one paragraph...
Topics: Adventure, Humor, Science Fiction
Update: Sporadic
Art: Freehand Pencil
Style: Independent
Rated: PG-13

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