Web Comic: Unbreakable Promises

Web Comic Info

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Unbreakable Promises


By: van_maniac user profile
Last Published Comic: 662 Months 1 Week ago by 16
Description: Alex, an ordinary blonde haired school boy, is haunted by his past, his old feelings that haven't quite left him, and most of all by his new growing love for a very cute redhead, Ted. He moved a few years back and thought he had left his past behind. Alex must face his past and overcome his fears. Yet there are many new fears in store for him. Will he be able to cope with them? More troubles arise for this young boy and his friends. Hell might just break loose.
Topics: Fantasy, Romance, Humor, Science Fiction
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Manga
Rated: R

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Premiere Date of Comic: 11/18/2007
This months views: 6
This months received: 0

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