Web Comic: Order of the Red Cross

Web Comic Info

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Order of the Red Cross


By: Gretchen Winkler user profile
Description: It's about 100 years into the Earth's future and the Order of the Temple aka the Knights Templar are an active force in bringing about a renaissance of enlightment to Humanity. Humanity has started to learn to be comfortable with it's unique variety of belief structures and the need to force one belief structure upon all is no longer desired...or is it? Follow the journey of three young Templar Knights and rediscover the lost knowledge of the Order and of the Universe.
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, History, Space, Spritual, Science Fiction, Drama, Action
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Experimental
Rated: PG-13

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Premiere Date of Comic: 02/01/2009
This months views: 11
This months received: 0

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