Web Comic: The Angry Bunny

Web Comic Info

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The Angry Bunny


By: Kenn Wislander user profile
Last Published Comic: 662 Months 1 Week ago by 16
Description: The Angry Bunny webcomic comes from the warped mind of Kenn Wislander and his skewed perspective of the world. I should know, because that is me. When I started the comic back in 2007 it was more of a whim than an actual plan. The idea was simple: just express things I find amusing in the simplest way possible. Sometimes the ideas are more complex, sometimes they are as simple as a fart joke. Either way they are amusing to me.
Topics: Animals, Life, Humor, Crazy
Update: Daily
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG

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Premiere Date of Comic: 02/25/2007
This months views: 4
This months received: 0

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