Web Comic: Spindrift

Web Comic Info

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By: Elsa Kroese user profile
Description: Spindrift is a weekly updated comic featuring a modern fantasy story about intrigue, warfare, family, love and betrayal. The story follows the conflict between the close-minded, conservative Alar race and their mortal enemies, the power-hungry Ildrei. And one young woman who gets caught in between... As half-Alar, half-Ildrei, Morwenna's existence offends both races. She and her companions must find a way to navigate the conflict - and attempt to bring peace between the two sides.
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Drama, Epic
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: European
Rated: PG-13

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Premiere Date of Comic: 10/02/2011
This months views: 5
This months received: 0

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