Web Comic: Cpt Wayne and the Unexplained Dimension

Web Comic Info

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Cpt Wayne and the Unexplained Dimension


By: Wouter F. Goedkoop user profile
Last Published Comic: 662 Months 1 Week ago by 16
Description: A coffee addicted nurse robot, a translucent glow in the dark singer, the Greatest Race in the Universe, defective crash test dummies, floating spectres, a mind reading Yalchii, a semi-restored Flow 600 and much, much more await as you join Wayne, an officer of the Captaincy, as he sets off on a mission to unravel the mystery of what, he’s not quite sure. Yet. Captain Wayne and the Unexplained Dimension is a story about control, when to let go and make the most of a sticky situation.
Topics: Adventure, Mystery/Suspense, Science Fiction
Update: Weekly
Art: Vector
Style: Independent
Rated: G

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Premiere Date of Comic: 04/05/2012
This months views: 3
This months received: 0

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