Web Comic: Dance of the Aeronauts

Web Comic Info

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Dance of the Aeronauts


By: Michael Sng user profile
Last Published Comic: 659 Months 3 Weeks ago by 16
Description: Dance of the Aeronauts is a graphic novel set in an alternative universe in the time between the World Wars. A sort of post-Steampunk or Internal-Combustion-Engine-punk tale, if you like. The community at Dour’s End is still picking up the pieces of a catastrophe that struck not just the town, but changed the entire world. While all isw calm and peaceful now, who knows what is on the horizon. Over the edge. Beyond the mists.
Topics: Adventure, History, Science Fiction, Action
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG

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Premiere Date of Comic: 03/04/2013
This months views: 1
This months received: 0

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