Web Comic: Jackdaw

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By: Brian Barr
Description: Joyce Sunn is looking for a career change. Her current occupation is dangerous, the hours are inconvenient and her boss is a jerk– even the job title and uniform are a sources of embarrassment. She is Thrasher, superhero sidekick to The Jackdaw, shadowy scourge of the criminal element of gothic Grimmsmoore. With a heavily promoted motion picture about to be released, the nation is in the grips of Jackdaw mania, and Joyce soon finds herself in the middle of a mystery as to the secret origins of her mentor. She soon stumbles upon a labyrinth of underground history, leading to uneasy revelations, difficult choices and perhaps self-discovery.
Topics: None
Update: Weekly
Art: Freehand Pencil
Style: American
Rated: PG-13

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Premiere Date of Comic: 05/12/2013
This months views: 6
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