Web Comic: The Tales of Lev

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The Tales of Lev


By: Mary S. user profile
Description: This comic series centers around Thomas Lev who is not your ordinary young soldier. His life and battles rest in a dream-world, Gluban, that resides within a sleeping girl's mind. Yet this world is not what one would expect from a child's imagination. There is no delicate perfection. Within it are trying situations such as war, chaos, crime, and corruption that Thomas and his companions feel obligated to mend for their own desires to bring peace and sanctity to Gluban.
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Action
Update: Monthly
Art: Freehand Pencil
Style: American
Rated: PG

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Premiere Date of Comic: 02/27/2013
This months views: 4
This months received: 0

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