Web Comic: Future, our Future

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Future, our Future


By: Conrad Wilson user profile
Description: Future, Our Future is a single panel strip taking place years in the future, after humans undergo mass extinction. Robots have survived our legacy, and are the sole sentient life left on earth. Robot culture is one that emulates, as much as analyzes their predecessor human civilization. The comic touches on, but never fully explains, the many ways our species became extinct. The strip serves as a platform to poke fun at humankind’s self-destructive and often irrational thinking. It’s not all doom and gloom, as the robots themselves live just as ironic lives as us. There are no repeat characters, though many of the robots may look similar. Recurring themes, and scenes are used to create a familiar world for you. By taking this approach, it is hoped that you may experience at least a few new perspective in which to view our world; one that can be thought provoking, ludicrous, and at the same time, amusing.
Topics: Humor
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG

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Premiere Date of Comic: 10/15/2014
This months views: 7
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