By:rF Larkeuser profile Last Published Comic: 68 Months 3 Weeks ago by RSS (hash) RSS Link: Next check in: 6 Months 2 Weeks (or ASAP) Update Now Description: The Lonely Soda Bottle (tLSB) is a webcomic co-written by Joshua Vail and Kevin Martin, AKA Pangthagerous and rF A. Larke, respectively. tLSB follows the lives of Coby and Violet and their friends and family in their mostly normal lives, but occasionally jumps to Console RPG references or the characters randomly appearing on the moon, whatever seemed like a good joke at the time. The comic is written for the entire family, with jokes that are intended to be clever yet clean. Topics: Adventure, Games, Life, Real Life, Humor, Gaming, Crazy Update:Weekly Art:Vector Style:American Rated:PG