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Web Comic: Poultry Arisen!


Poultry Arisen!

- Goto By: Britt
Description: Though they live with a wizard, life is fairly routine for Kale and Keahi. Little do they know that a dark force is lurking nearby, and it's about to change their lives forever...
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Web Comic: Neko & Kuma


Neko & Kuma

- Goto By: Flavio Nani
Description: Neko & Kuma are a bastard she-cat and a fatty bear fallen in love for her; they live funny adventures in daily comic strips. ENGLISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE!
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Web Comic: What's To Be Desired?


What's To Be Desired?

- Goto By: ZeKarmiSama
Description: "What's to be desired besides the world?" A manga strip about aloof dictator Kaxen and her accomplices on their quest to attain and maintain global domination.
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Web Comic: 52 fridays


52 fridays

- Goto By: patrick brennan
Description: an ongoing artblog/journal inspired by life the universe and everything but mostly life and prompts from a few other blog communities. comments, critique, and feedback welcome
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Web Comic: The Many Misfortunes of Lady Luck


The Many Misfortunes of Lady Luck

- Goto By: Cerulean Lee and Spynmaster
Last Published Comic: 170 Months 4 Days ago
Description: The concept of luck was sentenced to walk the Earth as a human. She doesn't know why. But she's not alone. Meet Marlin Sainlevie, owner of a massive corporation and the man-made galaxy it controls. He's evil incarnate - and Luck's only hope.
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Rated: R
Topics: Noir

Web Comic: Genrica Comica


Genrica Comica

- Goto By: Ketenol
Last Published Comic: 196 Months 4 Weeks ago
Description: This comic is awesome and is about awesome awesome awesome.
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Rated: R
Topics: None

Web Comic: My Brother the Angel


My Brother the Angel

- Goto By: CM
Description: Moved to:
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Brush Painting
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: Monkey of the Damned


Monkey of the Damned

- Goto By: Katherine Ramer user profile
Description: A web comic about a deranged sock monkey and his friends.
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Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: None

Web Comic: North of the Border


North of the Border

- Goto By: Jake Hercules
Description: Based on the Stargate SG-1 universe, the story follows a young girl whose special DNA can prevent the extinction of a race Earth holds as a powerful intergalactic ally. However, in order to do so, she must first learn the secrets of the Stargate
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Web Comic: Third World Truth


Third World Truth

- Goto By: Pelica
Description: What happens when a best friend from 11 years ago suddenly pops up, wanting to keep an insane promise they made with you when you were kids, blows up your house, and takes you to another world? Looks like Yasuri Harwood is going to find out.
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