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Web Comic: The HAHAs



- Goto By: Masai Asantewa user profile
Description: The HAHAs The HAHAs are a Sunday funnies style Comic that parodies....well everything! There is no up or down to this series; it’s pretty random. Some of the recurring characters of the HAHAs include Whitey and Fro, an underdog fighting duo, Tortoise and the Hare, Aesop’s fable's classic characters, and Dan and Jake, who teach us the right and wrong way in life! Join the laughs every Wednesday!
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Life, Movies, Politics, Real Life, Humor, Parody/Satire, Crazy

Web Comic: DogHaus Comics


DogHaus Comics

- Goto By: Natalija Pavic user profile
Description: DogHaus Comics is a tongue in cheek rogue webcomic. Deterministically unformulaic and downright style-less, it does however stay true to two basic principles: 1) To maintain the utmost simplicity and efficiency in communicating an idea, without sacrificing too much art. 2) To put an idea first and foremost before deadlines, cheap laughs, and politeness. DogHaus Comics believes an idea is an idea is an idea. This means that ideas are not sacrificed for a deadline and it is not forced for a laugh. This is why DogHaus comics does not have a schedule. If nothing worth reading is thought of, then it will not be produced. As well, if an idea is genuinly funny then this is good, but sometimes ideas are just not funny. Hence DogHaus Comics doesn't promise weekly laughs, just sporadic insights.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Animals, Life, Politics, Superheroes, Romance, Noir, Humor, Science Fiction, Drama, Parody/Satire, Epic, Crazy

Web Comic: Magnificent Creatures


Magnificent Creatures

- Goto By: various
Last Published Comic: 173 Months 3 Days ago
Description: Magnificent Creatures is published online by DWAP Productions every Thursday by various artists and can be various themes and genres.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Experimental
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Action

Web Comic: NommiComics



- Goto By: noms user profile
Description: noms takes you on a whirlwind tour of the randomness that is his mind. They have cake, too.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Computers, Food, Games, History, Life, Movies, Politics, Programming, Work, Real Life, Romance, Humor, Science Fiction, Action, Gaming

Web Comic: Thackeray



- Goto By: Kris Wozencroft user profile
Description: Thackeray is a zombie, but has somehow managed to keep his humanity. Can he hide his secret from a world paranoid about the zombie outbreak?
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Monthly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Drama, Parody/Satire

Web Comic: Infection Queen


Infection Queen

- Goto By: Chris B user profile
Description: What do an unscrupulous vagabond, an amnesiac robot, two prostitutes and a fledgling guard captain have in common? They're all on the menu for a newly risen and highly infectious entity in this semi-comedic/mostly dramatic sci-horror-fantasy. Mature readers.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Monthly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: R
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction

Web Comic: Mailbox Rocketship


Mailbox Rocketship

- Goto By: Kevin Hayman user profile
Description: What if you found you never needed to sleep? What if you could fly? What if you had to keep up your school work on top of all that? Keith McDonald is finding out just what all that means.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: Voldemort's Children


Voldemort's Children

- Goto By: Eli Dupree user profile
Description: A story comic that reimagines the Harry Potter series from a neurodiversity and social-justice perspective.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Daily
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Minimalist
Rated: PG
Topics: Fantasy, Drama, Epic

Web Comic: Miriam Kendrick


Miriam Kendrick

- Goto By: Miriam Kendrick
Description: A daily webcomic following the sometimes true and often surreal adventures of Miriam
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Daily
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Relationships, Space, Humor, Science Fiction

Web Comic: KiLA iLO



- Goto By: Cassandra Thomas user profile
Description: Kila and Richard have been hired to find the pieces of an ancient weapon hidden on a planet their boss thinks is uninhabited. Things become complicated when 'Earth' proves NOT to be uninhabited.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Humor, Science Fiction, Crazy
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