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Web Comic: REVVVelations



- Goto By: Story & Colors: Stan Yan, Art: Jolyon Yates
Description: REVVVelations is an action adventure jam packed with humor, reliosity, romantic tension, and mutant disfigurations. Oh, and YES, there is cannibalism, but it's really not polite to talk about, even though everyone knows it happens. Mature Audiences.
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Web Comic: Rex Comics


Rex Comics

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Description: There are two comics to read - Sid of the Sand Dunes and Dilf. Enjoy!
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Web Comic: Rex Target


Rex Target

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Web Comic: Reynard City


Reynard City

- Goto By: Polycomical Studios user profile
Description: AK Girl (A psychic who inflates on contact with caramel), Wondervixen (a beauty queen with a dark secret) and Hyper Rob (son of a gangster) come to Earth to stop the evil robot Mega Fox. Caramel inflation, flamboyant Mexican stalkers, ex-caterers and weird adventures ensue!
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Superheroes, Drama

Web Comic: Rez Comics


Rez Comics

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Description: Join the adventures of Freeze and his pals from all over the Nintendo universe as they fight to reclaim thier home's from the next great evil. In the end only one question will remain.What. Is. Rez.
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Web Comic: RGBots



- Goto By: hpkomic user profile
Description: A bunch of jerks write comics about three jerk robots named Red, Green, and Blue.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Minimalist
Rated: R
Topics: Life, Politics, Humor, Parody/Satire

Web Comic: Rhadamanthus & Co.


Rhadamanthus & Co.

- Goto By: Spence
Description: A comic about a pink monkey and his zany adventures in dialog which have little to no relevance to the world around him.
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Web Comic: Rhapsodies



- Goto By: W.P. Morse
Description: Life, they say, is a rhapsody. Join Paul, Kate, Brian and all their friends as they struggle through life's continuing irregularities trying to achieve their dreams ... while still trying to maintain their integrity.
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Web Comic: Rhiannon Stories


Rhiannon Stories

- Goto By: Michael Smith
Description: The world of Rhiannon is large place of many stories. Tales of cults and hunters. Tales of heroes and villians. It's my job to tell you as many as you'll sit and listen to.
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Web Comic: Rhombus



- Goto By: Shane Hebert
Description: Madcap fun and unholy terror can only have one thing in common. RHOMBUS: Dragonslayer. Everyone's favorite mentally unstable superhero robot. A TIKIcoMIX Production.
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