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Web Comic: Rings of Fate


Rings of Fate

- Goto By: Zash
Description: Fate doesn't just happen. It lies in wait before it envelopes you.
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Web Comic: RingTones



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Description: A romantic comedy about what happens when a Japanese woman runs away from home to New York City and accidentally trades cell phones with her American cousin's best friend. Foxgirl changlings, US Army robot expirements, and more!
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Web Comic: Rinkusu



- Goto By: Rus Houser
Description: A comic about my life and the random thoughts of my head!
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Topics: None

Web Comic: RinkusuComic



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Web Comic: RINOMAX



- Goto By: Shingo
Description: Serie de ciencia ficcion que cuenta de manera alucinada, como yo veo mi pa?s y mi ciudad.
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Web Comic: RIOT and FadeOut From the Top


RIOT and FadeOut From the Top

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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: R
Topics: Noir

Web Comic: RIOT n FadeOut


RIOT n FadeOut

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Web Comic: RIOT n' Fade-Out!


RIOT n' Fade-Out!

- Goto By: Story & Art by Sketch Sanchez
Description: Riot and Fade-Out are two vigilantes/serial killers who hunt down and kill meta-powered gang members in their home known as MAD City. This is set later in their lives as Fade-Out is captured by the police, forcing RIOT to break her out.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: R
Topics: Adventure

Web Comic: Rip Haywire


Rip Haywire

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Web Comic: Ripped Ticket


Ripped Ticket

- Goto By: Kyle
Description: Sherw00t, an RPG town for a not-so RPG world!
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Topics: None
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