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Web Comic: RuneMaster



- Goto By: Akaihoshi
Description: *note: reads from right to left* Follow the adventures of a young salamand and her companions as they travel in a world with two distinct societies, one built on mana, and the other on technology.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Runescape The Comic


Runescape The Comic

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Last Published Comic: 176 Months 1 Week ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Fantasy

Web Comic: Runescrape



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Last Published Comic: 175 Months 2 Weeks ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG
Topics: Fantasy

Web Comic: Runnin' With a Gun


Runnin' With a Gun

- Goto By: Michael Grills user profile
Description: Runnin’ With a Gun is a modern crime noir currently presented as an online comic book. It updates with a new page once per week every Monday. You can subscribe via RSS by clicking the subscribe button which will give you the choice to get updates in you email. Almost everything that happens in Runnin’ with a Gun is based on a true story. Wether I heard it from a friend, witnessed the event myself, or read about it in a newspaper or magazine, it all happened. The hero’s responses to these events are pure fantasy. My way of exploring the darkness in humanity and how we sometimes wish events might unfold.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Romance, Noir, Mystery/Suspense, Drama

Web Comic: Runnin' With A Gun


Runnin' With A Gun

- Goto By: Michael Grills
Description: Part Crime Noir, Part Love Story. Love, Betrayal and Bullets. A child born into crime becomes a killer for hire. Kara missed her shot. She's never missed before and now everybody she knows is suffering for it. Will she fix her problems by doing the job right? Or will she take her chances against the killers that are hunting her down.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: R
Topics: Romance, Noir, Mystery/Suspense, Drama, Action

Web Comic: Running Gags


Running Gags

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Last Published Comic: 192 Months 1 Week ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: Running in the dark


Running in the dark

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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: Running in the Halls


Running in the Halls

- Goto By: Robert Anke
Description: A comic about a guy, his family, his students, and an overly-articulate alien in sneakers.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Running on Empty


Running on Empty

- Goto By: Daniel Beadle user profile
Last Published Comic: 186 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: Running on Empty centers on the irreverent hijinks and observations of Dan, Jake, and D-Man, an artist, a thug, and a car thief, respectively. Much of the series' humor is derived from their idiosyncratic philosophies on life, which occasionally delve into the macabre.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: R
Topics: Cars, Life, Relationships, Real Life, Spritual, Mystery/Suspense, Humor, Drama, Parody/Satire, Action, Crazy

Web Comic: Running On Empty 08


Running On Empty 08

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Last Published Comic: 187 Months 3 Weeks ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Fantasy
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