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Web Comic: Sodapopkids



- Goto By: Justin Dahlstrom
Description: Join Li'l Blonde and the rest of the Sodapopkids while they make humor of day to day struggles though the teenage years. These comics are for all ages and will keep you forever young by reminding us all how human we really are.
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Web Comic: Sodaville Heights


Sodaville Heights

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Last Published Comic: 201 Months 2 Weeks ago
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Rated: PG-13
Topics: Fantasy




Description: Fabled scientist and adventurer Dr. Elezear Zednik is sent to a rash of mysterious disappearances among the city's factory workers. As he arrives he begins to uncover a sacred conspiracy within the towns seedy underbelly.
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Web Comic: Soft Reset


Soft Reset

- Goto By: Gabriel F. Cortez and Kenneth Zubiate
Description: Set in an unspecified west coast American city, the cast of Soft Reset struggles with college, poverty, expensive electronic hobbies, and a delirium common to all dejected, disinterested students. Story-based social and political satire.
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Web Comic: Softshell



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Last Published Comic: 213 Months 4 Days ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Noir

Web Comic: Soggy Salad


Soggy Salad

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Last Published Comic: 176 Months 2 Weeks ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Real Life

Web Comic: Sogwrong(THECOMIC)



- Goto By: Lucy(aka Scottie)
Last Published Comic: 205 Months 1 Week ago
Description: (updates mon-fri)About me and my friends switched genders and were pretty much all gay. Thats the way we like it! it dont really have a big plot just lots of small ones^^ JUST GO READ IT!!! lovee mee!
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Real Life

Web Comic: Soil



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Rated: R
Topics: Horror

Web Comic: SOK Puppets


SOK Puppets

- Goto By: Bray
Description: A deranged, psychotic, humorous look into the lives of Sok Puppets, as they meander their way through the tunnels of their minds; as well as the halls of the local psych-ward.
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Web Comic: Sokora Refugees


Sokora Refugees

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Description: Volume two of Sokora Refugees is on bookstore shelves today!!
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