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Web Comic: Point Blank Assassin


Point Blank Assassin

- Goto By: Impromanga Contributors
Description: Started by Susan Ching in 1998, PBA was's flagship comic. All 390 pages are now archived at, Efforts are underway to finally bring this epic to a close. Drop by the BBS to see how you can help.
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Web Comic: Song of Songs the Comic Book


Song of Songs the Comic Book

- Goto
Description: Question: What do you do when you go to a rave and your girl is kidnapped? Answer: You go and rescue her. "CHECK THIS BOOK OUT" -
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Web Comic: Project A.D.A.M.


Project A.D.A.M.

- Goto By: R. "The Mortician" M.
Last Published Comic: 190 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: Adam is the first human in existence and a new visitor to the planet called Earth... Abandoned here, Adam soon learns he is not alone. All sorts of strange robots and talking animals fester upon on the planet's surface.
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Web Comic: Two Guys and a Monkey


Two Guys and a Monkey

- Goto By: Fenstalker Studios
Description: An experimental community comic. Visitors can join the experiment by using the comic editor to pose the characters and add speech bubbles! Rank the comics, make comments, and browse through comics submitted by others.
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Web Comic: Burnt Out on Fun


Burnt Out on Fun

- Goto By: Kendon Luscher
Description: Morbid comic that analysizes the world surrealistically.
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Web Comic: Point Guardian


Point Guardian

- Goto By: Ben Carver
Description: A superhero webcomic that's neither a parody or a spoof. Drawn in a more american style, and updated weekdaily, this webcomic means business
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Web Comic: Kirby and Sambo


Kirby and Sambo

- Goto By: Lord Biscuit
Description: Kirby, Little Black Sambo, and an alcoholic M&M don't make great friends but they do make a foolish adventure or two. *caution* some people may find this comic offensive. WOOOOOO!
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Web Comic: Strouperman



- Goto By: Benjamin Ritter, Andrew Stroup
Description: Follow the bi-weekly misadventures of Strouperman and his high-octane gamer posse as they struggle against evil forces like a lesbian assassin, possessed hair, and Jack Thompson. Warning - Mature Themes.
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Web Comic: Tacos Always Welcome Here


Tacos Always Welcome Here

- Goto By: Vivian
Description: A general sponge/darker webcomic with random strips about the artist's daily life. Note: Not really a lesbian webcomic, but some strips will contain girl on girl shtuff ;]
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Web Comic: Erlyest



- Goto By: LSK
Description: Erlyest is a wacky little comic with no images whatsoever - it's only text. However, it still manages to be extremely funny. 3 updates a day.
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