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Web Comic: Beyond Wonderland


Beyond Wonderland

- Goto By: ChibiLaura
Description: The same Alice in Wonderland, with a twist. Alice finds the pocket watch that belonged to a white rabbit. She follows the rabbit into a hole and she finds herself in Wonderland. Now, how will she get home?
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Web Comic: Black heart


Black heart

- Goto By: Trunks6665
Description: A girl named Lovai, meets a strange boy, he's not a human, and then her journey begins. xD
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Web Comic: Claretoonz



- Goto By: Molly Hahn
Description: Claretoonz documents the adventures of Clare, an orpahned freelance writer, and Sylvain, an alien creature (flapdoodle) displaced from his home planed Xodi. They live together on the outskirts of the largest city on Earth.
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Web Comic: Concession



- Goto By: Immelmann
Last Published Comic: 208 Months 21 Hours ago
Description: Needless violence, implied sodomy, and sexual ambiguity -- all in a day's work for Concession.
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Web Comic: Charby the Vampirate


Charby the Vampirate

- Goto By: Amelius
Last Published Comic: 164 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: The original vampirate webcomic! There's not enough room to describe the comic perfectly, so: Vampire and demon action without all the angst! Tons of cute characters, and no filthy stuff (unless you count blood and guts)
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Fantasy

Web Comic: Irregular Webcomic!


Irregular Webcomic!

- Goto By: David Morgan-Mar
Last Published Comic: 118 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: Comming Soon
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Daily
Art: Photographic
Style: Minimalist
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Computers, Fantasy, History, Space, Tv, Work, Humor, Science Fiction, Action

Web Comic: you'll never die...


you'll never die...

- Goto By: Taki Soma & Thomas Mauer
Description: Eden Valley hunts down 3 murderers to seek revenge for her boyfriend and to solve the mystery as to why he was targeted.
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Web Comic: Nee's His-Story


Nee's His-Story

- Goto By: Jenshin
Description: In a post-apoctalyptic world, kids try to make a living for themselves in the Undergrounds.
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Web Comic: Spirit's Magic


Spirit's Magic

- Goto By: Kuro & Eryos
Description: In a land of magic, of great kings and empires, where legends become true, a great evil is rising, and with it young heroes to face it...but maybe to young to prevail.
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Web Comic: It Makes Me Angry


It Makes Me Angry

- Goto By: Chien
Description: There are many things in life that anger you till you're enraged, depressed, amused, and so on. Zack isn't usually an angry guy. Unfortunately, life is full of disappointments
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