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Web Comic: Parallelax



- Goto By: Natalie Kirk
Description: The comic features around Beth Barnes: one woman who is living very different lives in two parallel universes.
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Web Comic: The Random Adventures Of Maru


The Random Adventures Of Maru

- Goto By: Maru
Description: Welcome to the Maru Mansion. Please leave your sanity at the door...
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Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: YARG!



- Goto By: Ray Friesen
Last Published Comic: 176 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: The ongoing adventures of a clump of modern day pirates, who of course sell pirate cookies door to door and drive around in their PirateMobile (They've agreed to stop calling it that but can't think of anything better). Yarg!
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Web Comic: Codename9



- Goto By: sarah ellison
Description: romance, drama, and human experimentation during a future war.
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Web Comic: Enter the Duck 2


Enter the Duck 2

- Goto By: David Herbert
Description: With a virus infecting the site, the last surviving authors attempt to do whatever they can to defeat it. The second saga in Herbert's unique blend of both sprite and manga as apart of the story he tells
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Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure

Web Comic: ASPS :: eat kitties


ASPS :: eat kitties

- Goto By: blix
Description: Of angels and demons and Ry's inner monologuing. Beware ~ multiple satans, possibly the furry one is more terrifying than the original. [But who is the original?]
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Web Comic: HD&P Comic Strips, Inc.


HD&P Comic Strips, Inc.

- Goto By: Shawn Lindseth
Description: A meat-arific comic from a meat-arific guy!
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Web Comic: Foxy Lollop


Foxy Lollop

- Goto By: Mike Lacroix
Last Published Comic: 152 Months 6 Hours ago
Description: Makes you go glad.
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Web Comic: *sweetie*



- Goto By: Sparks and Strawberryspider
Description: Sweetie is a comic about a bunch of Australian girls, mainly Sasha and Starr. These girls are really quite mad, what with two thirds of them blonde, and so there are a lot of funny adventures to tell! Sun/Wed.
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Web Comic: Idiots Inc.


Idiots Inc.

- Goto By: Nonny
Description: Ok, guys 'rents ditch him and he ends up living in, where else? a mansion. Supposedly alone, but how boring would that be? Meet the maids at Idiots inc.--- completely amateur
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Topics: None
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