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Web Comic: The Seven Pillars of Faith


The Seven Pillars of Faith

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Web Comic: The Seven Shades of Grey


The Seven Shades of Grey

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Description: Slacker, a lazy angel and lead singer of the band Tisk, tries to avoid becoming a pawn in a war against the seven major churches of Little Pocket.
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Rated: R
Topics: Spritual

Web Comic: The Seven Swords


The Seven Swords

- Goto By: Scott Beattie
Description: The first plague was the plague of history, the second was the plague of tongues. The eighth plague, that was the plague of the dead. A kind of wuxia story, in the Dark.
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Web Comic: The Seventh Idol


The Seventh Idol

- Goto By: nEoPOL313
Description: Scifi/fantasy following the journey home of a powerful agent of the controllers of the world contained inside seven monolythic structures, each a mile wide, and several miles tall...
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Web Comic: The Shades And Beyond


The Shades And Beyond

- Goto By: Ashley M (Diego)
Description: A fantasy world at war. Book one starts following Griffin the Kajak and his mission to destroy the Kalos Council. He is famous for destroying species and individuals without hesitation.
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Web Comic: The Shadow Beyond #1 Cartesia


The Shadow Beyond #1 Cartesia

- Goto By: GLASCO JONES user profile
Description: The world powers have set off the final world war, a young mother scuffles her new born son to the shelter in the center of the earth. Their destiny is then changed forever.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Monthly
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Science Fiction, Epic

Web Comic: THE SHADOW BEYOND #2 Scoria Space Mines


THE SHADOW BEYOND #2 Scoria Space Mines

- Goto By: Glascojones user profile
Description: Garyson has been shot out of the sky and the Shadow Claws have informed Adela and Matthias of his death. At the age of 14, Matthias is forced to go work at the Scoria Processing Plant to pay tribune to the Kaiser. The death of Garyson(The Green Claw) spreads chaos throughout the galaxy. The Vulgarians and Selsians are forced to take action, but with Sceptorian rule that can prove to be difficult. The Systematic take over of planet Alyzia is set in motion. When the Sceptorian blockaide is established check points are setup through out the solor system. Limiting travel for all inhabitants.
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Rating: 4.0, by 2 user(s)
Update: Monthly
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Space, Science Fiction, Action

Web Comic: The Shadow Beyond #3 The Koblian Temple


The Shadow Beyond #3 The Koblian Temple

- Goto By: GLASCO JONES user profile
Last Published Comic: 175 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: We continue on with Matthias being kidnapped form the Scoria Space Mine on Cartesia. It has been three years after his fathers’ death. Now that he has turned fourteen, still to young to go to the Koblian Temple and train to become a Shadow Claw, following in his father’s footsteps. The Septorians' blockaide is now facing resistance frome the Vulgarians. Until now the Vulgarians were known to be only the galaxies' trash collectors. Violating a treaty that has stood for a century, The Vulgarians refuse to stand by and do nothing. Matthias still has many questions about his destiny, but he knows that whatever it might hold, he will face it head on.
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Rating: 4.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: Sporadic
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Action

Web Comic: The Shadow Comix


The Shadow Comix

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Last Published Comic: 165 Months 3 Weeks ago
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Rated: PG
Topics: Fantasy

Web Comic: The Shadow Dwellers


The Shadow Dwellers

- Goto By: Anna Castore
Description: A world in peril, a terrible curse, and an unlikely hero. Action, adventure, love, hate, and everything in-between. Enter into the world of? The Shadow Dwellers.
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