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Web Comic: Aliphant's Legend


Aliphant's Legend

- Goto By: Daniel Rived
Description: The world of Aliphant explained by his author.
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Rating: 4.0, by 2 user(s)
Update: Daily
Art: Brush Painting
Style: European
Rated: G
Topics: Animals, Computers, Fantasy, Games, History, Movies, Tv, Humor, Science Fiction, Parody/Satire

Web Comic: Edmund Finney's Quest to Find the Meaning of Life


Edmund Finney's Quest to Find the Meaning of Life

- Goto By: D. Long
Description: Edmund Finney searches for the meaning of life.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, History, Nature, Humor

Web Comic: Wacintosh Files, The


Wacintosh Files, The

- Goto By: Marc Leveille user profile
Description: Tongue-in-cheek, romantic drama about maturity, featuring an oblivious raccoon avatar learning to deal with life in the cartoon world with the help of his girlfriend.
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Rating: 4.0, by 1 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: R
Topics: Animals, Life, Relationships, Romance, Spritual, Drama

Web Comic: VampyrFetal



- Goto By: Mikenzi Phillips/ KL user profile
Last Published Comic: 184 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: A comic about insane vampires and the red heads and demon that love em'! Lol... there's some action and violence in there, too... don't worry!
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: R
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Horror, Mystery/Suspense, Drama, Action

Web Comic: Gaylings



- Goto By: S Frederick
Description: Synopsis: Funny social satire featuring six colorful rabble-rousers taking on a hetero world. This 3D rendered comic is equal parts comedy, satire, and though-provoker.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 3 times a week
Art: 3D
Style: Experimental
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Life, Politics, Relationships, Romance, Humor, Drama, Parody/Satire

Web Comic: The Princess and the Giant


The Princess and the Giant

- Goto By: Ben Chamberlain user profile
Last Published Comic: 173 Months 5 Days ago
Description: A non-verbal fairytale about a young princess and possibly another, rather larger individual.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy

Web Comic: Velex



- Goto By: Kadrane user profile
Description: This science fiction story tells the adventures of Dal, owner of the Velex spacecraft, and Karl, a young slave run away from the Mitchida work camps. The pictures contain French dialog. The English translation stays below each enlarged picture when you click on thumbnails.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Pen
Style: European
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Space, Science Fiction

Web Comic: The Elf's Apprentice


The Elf's Apprentice

- Goto By: Kadrane user profile
Description: Non verbal comic. A young elf follows his teacher through the Broceliande forest. While they cross a village, the boy meets a girl. But some residents do not approve strangers in their community... The Elf's Apprentice is a non verbal story that I began in January 2005, a little bit by mistake. In April 2005, it contained 43 pencil drawings. During two years nothing happened. Between February en January 2007, I made 30 new drawings that end the first chapter of this story.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Freehand Pencil
Style: European
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Nature

Web Comic: Work Camps, C5348


Work Camps, C5348

- Goto By: Kadrane user profile
Description: Non verbal comic. Two boys work in a gold mine to move mud. In these hard live condition, their strong friendship is their only chance to survive...
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Freehand Pencil
Style: European
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Life, Real Life

Web Comic: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth


Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

- Goto By: Gitte Tang Jensen & Maia Fjordmand user profile
Description: A fantasy webcomic about Heaven, Hell, and everything in between.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Action
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