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Web Comic: Velec



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Last Published Comic: 216 Months 4 Weeks ago
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Web Comic: Velex



- Goto By: Kadrane user profile
Description: This science fiction story tells the adventures of Dal, owner of the Velex spacecraft, and Karl, a young slave run away from the Mitchida work camps. The pictures contain French dialog. The English translation stays below each enlarged picture when you click on thumbnails.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Pen
Style: European
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Space, Science Fiction

Web Comic: Velharthis



- Goto By: Louisa R.
Description: When Peter, a young man with a mysterious past, saves Jenise, a young girl who seems to have too much past, the two pair up for a trip across a continent heading towards turmoil...
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Web Comic: Velvet: The Unusual Superheroine!


Velvet: The Unusual Superheroine!

- Goto By: Robert Olivera
Description: She's the #1 agent for Interpol. Follow Velvet's adventures into the world of human drama, and espionage!
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- Goto By: ArtificialCOMIX
Description: Full Coller, Pornography and Death.
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Rating: 3.0, by 2 user(s)
Topics: None

Web Comic: Vengeance Earth


Vengeance Earth

- Goto By: Peter, Mathew, the rest of the team
Description: This comic is about the adventures of Earth's last hope, a group of assassins and a merk. Watch as they tear these aliens a new one.
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Web Comic: Venom and Candycanes


Venom and Candycanes

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Last Published Comic: 209 Months 1 Week ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: R
Topics: Horror

Web Comic: Venom Fang


Venom Fang

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Description: [Warning: Shounen-ai] It may take a lot to uncover the truth. But when caught in a web of deceit, what could be more important?
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Web Comic: Venoms Urge To Merge


Venoms Urge To Merge

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Web Comic: Vent



- Goto By: Michael Nelsen
Description: Welcome to the world of VENT - Virtually Enhanced Neruologistic Technologies! Players of a live action role playing game - using VENTS enhance their experience and make their fantasy seem real - are given a shock when one of their friends drops dead for no apparent reason. Was it the game that killed them? An online Serial Killer Kult? Or something far more sinister? Detectives Moster and Meuller have to find out before more deaths occur. This is the first chapter of a 5 part virtuapunk story. VENT Technology pervades ever aspect of daily life. These virtual immersion glasses over-lay fully detailed, realistic 3-D images over the viewers field of vision. VENTs replace every other gadget for communication and entertainment. Nowhere else has it taken a firmer hold than in the gaming community where Live Action Role Players live out fantasies in a way never dreamed before. They live fantasies in real time and in person. They live in a world like ours, only better... Mysterious deaths lead two detectives on a strange journey into the gaming world and in the twisted sub-cultures that have developed using VENTs to fulfill any desire, no matter how deranged. They will have to sort through rumors of a fraternity of serial killers, government agents, and a strange urban legend of a white, perfect corner of reality that can only be accessed through VENTs in order to solve this mystery. As the death toll increases, the detectives are forced to become a part of the game and put their own lives on the line if the murders are ever to be stopped! A sci-fi murder mystery told in five parts.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Computers, Politics, Superheroes, Spritual, Noir, Mystery/Suspense, Science Fiction, Drama, Epic, Action, Gaming
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