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-1000 -100 -10 - < 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 > - +10

Web Comic: Benjamin and the Fish


Benjamin and the Fish

- Goto By: Adam Wilson, Alex Schumacher
Description: Adventure is always just around the corner... Or sometimes under the sofa.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor

Web Comic: GCD



- Goto By: Adam Wilson, Fernando Sosa user profile
Description: All it takes is three chords to write a great song, and all it takes is one great song to change the world. You just better hope you can make it through soundcheck.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Pen
Style: Independent
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Humor, Drama, Action, Crazy

Web Comic: Drugs & Kisses


Drugs & Kisses

- Goto By: Comic or Die
Description: Four housemates try to juggle their responsibilities with the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle. No-one said it was going to be easy.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: European
Rated: R
Topics: Animals, Relationships, Crazy

Web Comic: Alex Hamby


Alex Hamby

- Goto By: Alex Hamby
Description: The storm washed away the city’s sins. Now all that is remembered are the levees and flood waters. No one remembers the murdered children and the hooded figure who sought to avenge them.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: R
Topics: Noir, Drama, Action

Web Comic: Quick! Act like we're normal.


Quick! Act like we're normal.

- Goto By: Joel C. Morris user profile
Last Published Comic: 137 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: doodles from my life - updated somedays
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Freehand Pencil
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Life, Real Life

Web Comic: The Time Travelling Tourist


The Time Travelling Tourist

- Goto By: Gonzalo Martinez user profile
Description: An epic journey through history with Beethoven Jones as he seeks adventure and love.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: None

Web Comic: ATTICA



- Goto By: Richard Clark user profile
Description: War and suffering create the god, Pacifism and understanding define the man.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Monday - Friday
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, History, Mystery/Suspense, Drama, Epic, Action

Web Comic: WARDEN



- Goto By: Alan Robinson user profile
Description: The death of the worlds greatest superhero is just the beginning
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Superheroes, Mystery/Suspense, Science Fiction, Epic, Action




- Goto By: Gonzalo Martinez user profile
Description: When Charles Darwin encountered the world of the Faeries, the adventure was more than just survival of the fittest defined.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction, Drama, Parody/Satire, Epic, Action




- Goto By: Diego Toro user profile
Description: Four supervillians, one traitor!
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Superheroes, Science Fiction, Epic, Action
-1000 -100 -10 - < 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 > - +10
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