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Web Comic: Tailipoe



- Goto By: Craig Boldman
Description: There's something weird under Hamilton's bed, and it's not dirty socks! >>UPDATED EVERY TUESDAY<<
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Web Comic: Danielle Dark


Danielle Dark

- Goto By: Jay Bradley
Last Published Comic: 179 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: Danielle Dark is a vampire trying to make it in the world of mortals. She wants to have something that resembles a normal life. Unfortunately, Danielle is discovering that she is different, even from other vampires.
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Web Comic: Jewls the Lucky


Jewls the Lucky

- Goto By: Nix Winter
Description: The Life of Jewls the Lucky - Right now I'm posting a scene from when he was 13, but later today I'll be doing some story from when he was 19. It set in a stone age alternative world, love, romance, adventure, shonen ai once he gets old enough.
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Web Comic: The Seventh Idol


The Seventh Idol

- Goto By: nEoPOL313
Description: Scifi/fantasy following the journey home of a powerful agent of the controllers of the world contained inside seven monolythic structures, each a mile wide, and several miles tall...
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Web Comic: Blue House Comics


Blue House Comics

- Goto By: Sterling Morris and Shawn Miller
Description: Cliche is the death of expression! So instead of explaining how we are a webcomic, I will simply say this: Starving artists. Bi-weekly. Click and we live.
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Web Comic: B.I.T.C.H. Squad


B.I.T.C.H. Squad

- Goto By: Bill Crabb user profile
Description: If you like sci-fi,alien,government conspiracy, action B.I.T.C.H. Squad is yours to enjoy. A group of teen friends stumble on the truth about a top secret government experiment combining alien DNA with human in an attempt to create super soldiers.
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Rating: 3.0, by 2 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Drama, Action

Web Comic: World of Our Own


World of Our Own

- Goto By: Aimo
Description: An encounter between two strangers marks a beginning...This is a tale of growing up, friendship, and romance set in the world of Fashion and Rock 'n Roll. Updated every Sunday.
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Web Comic: Mindfeck Comics


Mindfeck Comics

- Goto By: Harris Beringer
Description: I post new comics often. When I am in NYC, they center around my guinea pig, his house, and his experiences. When I am in Ithaca, my comics center around surviving college. You can comment on the comics
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Web Comic: Sector 41


Sector 41

- Goto By: Winston Rowntree
Description: Somewhere in a field in Russia lies a secret that you won't believe. A 24-page comic that you won't forget in a hurry.
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Web Comic: Non Stop Pop


Non Stop Pop

- Goto By: Geoff Adams, Pat Frisby
Description: What, you don't know this comic already? Who do you think you are, Destro with the gold face plating??? Watch out kids! Salty language! Updated Mondays!
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