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-1000 -100 -10 - < 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 > - +10

Web Comic: Fairy Godsister


Fairy Godsister

- Goto By: Sofi Hjalmarsson user profile
Description: A web comic about afterlife, fairies and other madness written and drawn by Sofi Hjalmarsson. Updates every Wednesday!
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Pen
Style: Independent
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy

Web Comic: Sandwedge Steve


Sandwedge Steve

- Goto By: Daniel F. Dreakford user profile
Description: The adventures of a malcontent fast food veteran.
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Work

Web Comic: The Lostland


The Lostland

- Goto By: J.M. Henry user profile
Description: It all starts with some bad info, a misunderstanding and an incident that echoes to every corner of the Lostland. Is it all just an odd coincidence? Or is someone plotting to shake up the lands in a way no one imagined was possible?
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Pen
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Mystery/Suspense, Humor, Science Fiction, Action

Web Comic: Milton 5.0


Milton 5.0

- Goto By: T. Thayer user profile
Description: Milton deals with the stress of daily life as well as a robot, three rabbits and a chainsaw.
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Cars, Life, Humor, Crazy

Web Comic: The Realm of Contratainment


The Realm of Contratainment

- Goto By: Doc & Morgan user profile
Description: Did you ever ask yourself what happens to heroes when they failed society? It might leave a sour taste in the back of your mouth, or make your spine shiver until all your back hairs rise. But it is guaranteed to put a smile on your lips.
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Fantasy, Superheroes, Parody/Satire

Web Comic: The Wandering Realms


The Wandering Realms

- Goto By: Joshua Done and Elijah Tate user profile
Last Published Comic: 141 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: The Wandering Realms is a science fiction online graphic novel that follows a human fleet as they search for survivors of a massive interstellar war. Captain Abrams and crew encounter vast empires, sinister villains, vile monsters and troubles beyond reckoning, all to save the innocent and grow their fledgling civilization.
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Computers, Space, Science Fiction, Epic, Action

Web Comic: Proportional Excitability


Proportional Excitability

- Goto By: Margaret user profile
Description: The average adventures of two sisters
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: G
Topics: Life, Real Life, Humor

Web Comic: The Deducers


The Deducers

- Goto By: T. Doeringer user profile
Description: the deducers is a comedic vault of hilarious webcomics with a perspective all their own. Updated 3 times weekly.
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, History, Movies, Relationships, Tv, Romance, Humor, Parody/Satire, Action




- Goto By: ArtificialCOMIX
Description: A camp survivor discovers her ex-torturer/lover working as a night porter at a hotel in postwar Vienna. His former SS comrades begin to stalk them, when the couple attempts to re-create their sadomasochistic relationship.
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Rating: 3.6, by 7 user(s)
Topics: None

Web Comic: Tubularman



- Goto By: Boomer Cardinale
Description: Tubularman has trouble separating college life from crimefighting. When not battling the Evil Dr. Van Brewski, our hero can usually be found crashing a frat party or ringing up an astronomical bar tab.
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Rating: 3.6, by 5 user(s)
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None
-1000 -100 -10 - < 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 > - +10
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