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- Goto By: Dan Rosandich
Description: A different cartoon each day. Available for any website. All cartoons scheduled are guaranteed 100% family-friendly...nothing vulgar.
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Web Comic: Holiday Heroes


Holiday Heroes

- Goto By: Ray O'Neil
Description: Follow the adventures of a young boy, Tru Talbot, and his friends as they defend the planet against the nefarious plans of an evil being hidden in the shadows. Monster battles abound in this fantastic adventure when greetings cards come to life.
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Web Comic: Denizen Roth


Denizen Roth

- Goto By: Written and Illustrated by Greg Sky
Description: Well known contemporary/fantasy author, Greg Sky has created an experimental graphic novel with a futuristic theme. Who is Denizen Roth? Updated weekly with an entire page.
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Web Comic: Absolute Zero


Absolute Zero

- Goto By: The Creator
Description: Absolute Zero is a twisted look at life, religion, relationships, and whatever else The Creator sets his mind to. Published weekly, a new Absolute Zero is available every Monday.
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Web Comic: The 6th Dimension


The 6th Dimension

- Goto By: Sarah Mendiola
Description: Evil warlords, space pirates, and a covert operation over 20 years old. Find out what happens in The 6th Dimension.
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Web Comic: +ChrevO+



- Goto By: sahsa
Description: i suk at riting descritions, so to be short...its about a girl named Emilly who gets suked in a weird world were nothing really makes sence, n then stuff starts to happen to her....yeah
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Web Comic: Ninja Girls


Ninja Girls

- Goto By: devon hibberd
Last Published Comic: 177 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: The Ninja Girls are a team of demon-fighting school girls who find themselves in the most fun of situations. its a fun fantasty superhero science-fiction teen comedy. NEW PAGES EVERY SUNDAY!
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Web Comic: Impy and Aevy


Impy and Aevy

- Goto By: Robbie Allen
Description: Check out the misadventures of the ditzy pink mage, Impy Three, and the angsty gothic artist, Aevy Eye, as they deal with monkey kings, video game parodies, sword swinging dragons, demons who act like dogs, and stalker rabbits.
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Web Comic: Misfile



- Goto By: Chris Hazelton
Last Published Comic: 179 Months 1 Week ago
Description: Girls, Cars, and 1/2 baked angels. How can you go wrong? What kind of trouble will they get into next. Updates Five Days a WEEK!
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Update: Monday - Friday
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Humor, Drama, Crazy

Web Comic: Surreal Kins


Surreal Kins

- Goto By: Edgardo G. Salomon
Description: The adventures and misadventures of 5 unlikely friends in a not-so-open-minded world.
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