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Web Comic: Super Ninja Bunny Power


Super Ninja Bunny Power

- Goto By: Emily D.
Description: Ninja bunnies and bunny babes and stuff, enjoy!
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Web Comic: Block 6


Block 6

- Goto By: Queenie Chan
Description: Block 6, 34 Alvina St. Just another ordinary apartment block, inhabited by seemingly ordinary people. Or so, that is what Annalise, the new tenant moving into Level 6 believed. But soon, she finds herself suffering from a mysterious... affliction...
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Web Comic: Technopagans



- Goto By: kyre
Description: More fun than suicide. Probably.
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Web Comic: Crystal Dream


Crystal Dream

- Goto By: Romaina M user profile
Description: A young girl is being hunted by a from her nightmares creature.
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Update: Monthly
Art: Vector
Style: Independent
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy

Web Comic: Astronomical



- Goto By: Ash D.
Description: an average teenage guy finds himself surrounded by spirits. This is an out of this world harem anime when the twelve star signs end up becoming this boys personal body gaurds. Even though they're all fighting each other to become his sign
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Web Comic: GameSlut



- Goto By: Alyssa Mogil & Mark Bullard
Description: Another damned gaming comic. Focusing on the slacker lifestyles of two wanna-be game industry losers with nothing to offer the preceedings save for cynicism and infantile barbs.
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Web Comic: NEW! Urinexolax


NEW! Urinexolax

- Goto By: Laurel Chaisson
Description: Surprise your friends with Urinexolax, the diuretic dialogue. :D
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Web Comic: Crappie Hour


Crappie Hour

- Goto By: Geoff Matteson
Description: Basically, the premise of the strip is that there's these two fish, right... and they um... talk.. and... well, it's kind of hard to explain. Just click the link and discover the wondrous world of Crappie Hour for yourself, please.
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Web Comic: The Transformers: Darkhawk Saga


The Transformers: Darkhawk Saga

- Goto By: Heather Achey
Description: Join Decepticon Darkhawk on her adventures in a Gen 1 Season 3-4 setting. Spun from the ending of the 1st Transformers Movie. Set from a unique turn of POV, see the world thru the optics of the Decepticon!
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Web Comic: Magnet Mansion


Magnet Mansion

- Goto By: Brien Wayne Powell
Description: When a super powered crime fighter dies mysteriously, his fellow heroes attend a special viewing of his will & get more than they bargain a bad way!
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