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Web Comic: We Couldn't Sing


We Couldn't Sing

- Goto By: Yubi Shines
Description: Recently released from a psychiatric hospital, still troubled by the circumstances that sent her there, Yubi makes the attempt to rejoin the real world - only to discover that the life waiting for her outside is not quite one would call normal.
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Web Comic: Uku



- Goto By: Otto Uhrwerk van Germain
Description: Would you like to hear a story?
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Web Comic: Darn that Dog & Drat that Cat


Darn that Dog & Drat that Cat

- Goto By: Alex Storer, Tony Bates
Description: A spectrum of characters and a colourful world of smart talkers and sharp movers, come together in a stylish, spacebound narrative of adventure and misadventure.
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Web Comic: Cami x Alex


Cami x Alex

- Goto By: Jules David
Description: A comic about how different people handle difficulties in their lives.
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Web Comic: Haven



- Goto By: Saeko Ayame
Description: Dieken has always wanted to be a knight, yet that is unheard of for commoners like him. When he finally gets the chance to prove himself, he finds it more of challenge then he thought. Can he survive the trials, defeat his enemy, and save the day?
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Web Comic: For What It's Worth


For What It's Worth

- Goto By: Steve
Description: A comic about regular characters placed in funny situations and jokes.
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Web Comic: Under The Flesh


Under The Flesh

- Goto By: JLGiles user profile
Description: In a world ravaged by an unknown virus which only infects males, mankind's last hope lies in a single soldier.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Horror, Science Fiction, Action

Web Comic: This Is My Steriotype


This Is My Steriotype

- Goto By: Arid Nosnibor
Description: Just a quick fix to the whatever mood your trying to deal. No real issue is dealed with within the story, just fun thoughts. No drama and no storyline is the only two rules that this comic follows. Keeps it ineteresting that way.
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Web Comic: Midnight Gamer


Midnight Gamer

- Goto By: Richard Dunn
Description: A Machinima Webcomic, created using the Sims 2, Midnight Gamer is a story of friendship, comeraderie, and sleep deprivation. Join Rthe Midnight Gamers as they examine movies, games, and popular culture. Because there's a little geek in all of us.
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Web Comic: Sin Angel


Sin Angel

- Goto By: April Zeman
Description: About a half-demon girl's struggle to choose a path of good, or a path of evil. Which will she choose? Updates Thursdays, but Vote every day from every computer you can get to!!!
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