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Web Comic: Cain



- Goto By: Ren Hayes
Description: For the murder of his brother, CAIN must forever wander the savage, stark land of NOD. But did Cain actually murder his brother or did something else happen that fateful day, something so secret {so terrible} that even The Above may fear the truth?
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Web Comic: cain project


cain project

- Goto By: Mauricio Franco
Description: The Abel project is designed so that Eogeo inc, the most powerful enterprise after the GW disaster that founded the skyearths, floating continents,can gain control of the biggest Skyearth,and gradually the rest.Its cain's mission to stop them.
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Web Comic: Caitlin



- Goto By: DBv1
Description: When you're three years old and three feet tall... the world looks mighty different from down there.
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Web Comic: Cake Pony


Cake Pony

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Description: Please enjoy the fillys of We guarentee YOU'LL FIND NOTHING CUTER ON THE INTERNET to satiate your desires. And don't worry, all our ponys are 100% legal and waiting to eat cakes just for YOU.
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Web Comic: Cakey Jake


Cakey Jake

- Goto By: Dan Lester
Description: Why do rabbis hate cheerleaders? How do zombies feel about werewolves? And where do ghosts really come from? For the answers to all these questions, read Cakey Jake.
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Web Comic: Calamities of Nature


Calamities of Nature

- Goto By: Tony Piro user profile
Last Published Comic: 180 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: Full color comics that are supposed to be funny, and sometimes they even are.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Animals, Life, Nature, Politics, Tv, Work

Web Comic: calibre



- Goto By: Keith H. Jeter
Description: Martial Arts War Epic
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Web Comic: Caliburn



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Rated: PG-13
Topics: Superheroes

Web Comic: Calico



- Goto By: Cassidy "Dragonwolf Stryde" Ford
Description: The secret lives of 3 calico pets: Savvy, Dreamcatcher, and Phoenix. Join them and hear what they're really saying right under our noses.
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Web Comic: Calisto Koldsten


Calisto Koldsten

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Description: All signs on the earth and the skies say that something unusual is about to happen. Is this Ragnarök - the gods' dusk, - or maybe a magical tournament takes place again, after one hundred years?
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