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Web Comic: Captain Super-Amazing


Captain Super-Amazing

- Goto By: Michael Richard
Description: Adventures of Rusty Staples, latest human to inherit the mantle of Captain Super-Amazing.
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Web Comic: Captain Superior


Captain Superior

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Web Comic: Captain Tacolicious


Captain Tacolicious

- Goto By: Joey Peters
Description: Fatter than a speeding bullet, more hungrier than a locomotive. Look, up in the sky, it's a gyro, it's a submarine sandwich. It's Captain Tacolicious!
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Superheroes, Parody/Satire, Action, Crazy

Web Comic: Capture the Queen


Capture the Queen

- Goto By: Morgana007
Description: Neva's life was pretty normal (besides having a secret-agent father and going to a private school) until Zane moved into town. Now a chain reaction of events is going to change everybody's lives forever...
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Web Comic: Car vs. Motorcycle


Car vs. Motorcycle

- Goto By: Chris VanGompel
Description: Car vs. Motorcycle is actually the home page of 4 comics. "Car vs. Motorcycle" (or CvM) is the original, started in March of 2005. It follows the misadventures of a guy, recently turned zombie, who's obsessed with hockey and enjoys all things booze.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Caraway Crew


Caraway Crew

- Goto By: PlatinumPencilz user profile
Description: A comic about a group of five sibling explorers who go on adventures and encounter strange people and oddities along the way.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: None

Web Comic: Carbon Alley


Carbon Alley

- Goto By: Jeff Koval
Description: A comic strip about misguided critters.
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Web Comic: Carbon Marrow


Carbon Marrow

- Goto By: Raymond Tan
Description: Comics by Raymond Tan, sterilized and randomized for public consumption. Best viewed through a filter through a filter through a filter. A parody of a parody (double negative brings me back to where I was in the first place ha ha)
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Card Callers


Card Callers

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Web Comic: Card Shop Comics


Card Shop Comics

- Goto By: Jonathan Hohensee
Description: Instead of walking into work one day and gunning down all of his obnoxious co-workers and his odious boss, Jonathan Hohensee decided to vent all of his frustrations into webcomic form. Read about his adventures (and wacky MISadventures) here.
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Topics: None
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