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Web Comic: /Boggle



- Goto By: Tatzel
Description: /boggle
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Web Comic: Yet Another Office Comic


Yet Another Office Comic

- Goto By: Gard Marius Guldhav
Description: Coffee, aliens, robots, samurais, agents, ninjas, pirates and two good honest working guys.
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Web Comic: Syntax Errors Comics


Syntax Errors Comics

- Goto By: Damon Riesberg
Description: A thrice a week comic strip for computer geeks, movie buffs,, and for all those people that program songs into their cell phone...because really, that's what it's all about.
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Web Comic: Geeks - the Comic Strip


Geeks - the Comic Strip

- Goto By: Carl Anderson user profile
Description: The day to day lives, misadventures, personal lives, antics of those who work at Comics Dungeon.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Life, Movies, Superheroes, Tv, Work, Real Life, Humor, Science Fiction, Parody/Satire

Web Comic: Silent Shadow


Silent Shadow

- Goto By: Jessica Green
Description: The Guardians are people (some human, some non-human) who possess some talent at sorcery. They feel it's their duty to protect the rest of humanity from those with the same gifts who would chose to use their abilities to harm others.
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Web Comic: Land Of Nodd


Land Of Nodd

- Goto By: Matt Newton
Description: Politically incorrect, occasionally blasphemous, and very quirky. Land of Nodd is a comic for those with a unique taste in humor, or at the very least... bad taste. Laugh at the expense of going to Hell.
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Web Comic: Sandusky



- Goto By: John Prengaman
Description: The story of a man, his dog, and the mountain lion they find sitting on the front porch of their apartment one evening. Updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in full color!
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Web Comic: "BLOOP"



- Goto By: Joseph Morton
Description: BLOOP is a blob! Follow his and his pals hilariously lazy webcomic hijink daily! Please feel free to leave comments on how I can improve the strip for you. Thanks and enjoy!
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Web Comic: Rainbow Carousel


Rainbow Carousel

- Goto By: Chloe Citrine (wyldflowa)
Last Published Comic: 189 Months 1 Week ago
Description: A story about how every person in the world may be different, but they're still all spinning on the same ride as you. Either join them and accept them, or stand by and watch life turn without you. Drama + romance with shonen-ai. UPDATES OFTEN! :D
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Rated: PG-13
Topics: Real Life

Web Comic: REAL Men Wear Lipstick


REAL Men Wear Lipstick

- Goto By: The Hyper One
Description: Murdoc met Etheldreda, a vampire, and his whole life was changed. Join Murdoc as he searches for that which will bring him peace. Meanwhile Jay has strange visions, voices, and changes in personality. And why is Murdoc so interested in her?
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Rated: R
Topics: None
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