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Web Comic: Rainbow Carousel


Rainbow Carousel

- Goto By: Chloe Citrine (wyldflowa)
Last Published Comic: 189 Months 1 Week ago
Description: A story about how every person in the world may be different, but they're still all spinning on the same ride as you. Either join them and accept them, or stand by and watch life turn without you. Drama + romance with shonen-ai. UPDATES OFTEN! :D
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Real Life

Web Comic: REAL Men Wear Lipstick


REAL Men Wear Lipstick

- Goto By: The Hyper One
Description: Murdoc met Etheldreda, a vampire, and his whole life was changed. Join Murdoc as he searches for that which will bring him peace. Meanwhile Jay has strange visions, voices, and changes in personality. And why is Murdoc so interested in her?
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Rated: R
Topics: None

Web Comic: Bassetville



- Goto By: Bryan J. Prindiville
Description: Bassetville, where daily routine has truly gone to the dogs. Join A.T.B. agents Dudley and Reginald as they assist their charge, Frances, in training her human to be an adequate basset slave.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Cruel Cain


Cruel Cain

- Goto By: A Nulty
Description: Cruel Cain is a dark tale of revenge, murder, magic and matter from a world like our own, set in the medieval age, where magic rules. Watch as each page goes from deep space to sand dunes. Where make-believe becomes actual and heroes get eliminated.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: project Helix


project Helix

- Goto By: Lotus
Description: It all started with a dream when strange things started happening to Kiyone. In addition to dealing with these changes, she must figure out how and why they are happening, without attracting the attention of everyone else.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Autumn in the Otherworld


Autumn in the Otherworld

- Goto By: Kassie
Description: Two sisters stray into the forest and find themselves drawn into a web of conspiracy and deceit stretching hundreds of miles and thousands of years. Not to mention all the immortal librarians, weird clothes and sarcasm. B&W, updated weekly.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Zipmic



- Goto By: Christian Kragegaard
Description: Gaming, adventures and school. These guys gets it all in their crazy world.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Rasputin Catamite


Rasputin Catamite

- Goto By: Reverend Vas Littlecrow Wojtanowicz user profile
Description: The exploits of a Russian shock rock band. The lead singer is an egomaniacal pseudo-Satan. His drummer ex-girlfriend refuses to leave him, in spite of her seething hatred for him. Sasha the guitarist is a loveable man-slave. Updated Mondays.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: PG-13
Topics: History, Relationships, Horror, Drama, Parody/Satire, Crazy

Web Comic: For the Hermits


For the Hermits

- Goto By: d. Richard Scannell
Description: Illustrated mini-stories! For the Hermits is very short stories with illustrations featuring a recurring cast of quirky characters including an old man in his pajamas, the common man, and a street musician. Quirky and often funny.
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Web Comic: The Nine Lives of Catnose


The Nine Lives of Catnose

- Goto By: Vanesa Littlecrow Wojtanowicz and Stef Davis
Description: The life of an all-purpose model, uncensored.
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Topics: None
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