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Web Comic: Deadpill



- Goto By: Ashlee Sherman
Last Published Comic: 176 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: Johnny's dead, but he's not. Franny's a little insane, though she's a babe. With cheese-grater-wielding women, demon-spiders looking for revenge, and a good dose of trannies with ghostly powers, this may turn out to be a very wild ride.
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Web Comic: Touch And Dream


Touch And Dream

- Goto By: Kelly Schy
Description: Three transporters that transport metaphysically dangerous beings to the military, where they execute them or train them. They get a huge deal to transport narcoleptic clairvoyant, but they soon fall to see what happens to the people they transport.
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Web Comic: The Trouble With You


The Trouble With You

- Goto By: hirari-chan
Description: ...a lot of love at least 12 and up.
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Web Comic: Aeon of Chaos


Aeon of Chaos

- Goto By: Shukuun
Description: The world is threatened by the age of chaos
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Web Comic: The Girl Can Fly


The Girl Can Fly

- Goto By: Ben Avery
Description: This stick figure graphic novel is a fairy tale styled fantasy, drawn by a comic book writer in the spirit of expression and experimentation. Del has a secret: she can fly. But when she meets a boy who can?t walk, a dark shadow looms over them both.
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Web Comic: Nuestro aniversario


Nuestro aniversario

- Goto By: Aura Orimoto
Description: Historia corta de 3 p?ginas, sobre el aniversario de una pareja adolescente. Completo. S?lo en espa?ol.
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Web Comic: One Year of Love


One Year of Love

- Goto By: Eric Mart?n (ES Project)
Description: Chiaki y Mitsuki son una pareja de enamorados como cualquier otra. Pero ?l se ha cansado de dar el primer paso, as? que le dar? a Mitsuki la oportunidad de demostrar su amor. S?lo en espa?ol.
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Web Comic: Silent but Eggy


Silent but Eggy

- Goto By: Kent Belanger
Last Published Comic: 208 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: It's funny, just trust me. Go, check it out, and see if I'm lying... I dare you
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Rated: PG-13
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Web Comic: Kingdom Hearts II


Kingdom Hearts II

- Goto By: Al
Description: Just a comedy comic of Kingdom Hearts 2. (A bit of SoraxRiku/AxelxRoxas, but mostly is gag)
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Web Comic: Satellite Memory


Satellite Memory

- Goto By: Cazel R.
Description: A man in search of his memories, another determined to hide his past, and a girl seeking revenge.
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