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Web Comic: Wasteland



- Goto By: Stanley, Cyclone
Description: An experiment going progressively awry. The uncertainty of what's actually happening, and what's the trick of a damaged mind. The different forms and themes your subconcious mind takes on under a state of extreme stress and trauma.
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Web Comic: How Unfortunate


How Unfortunate

- Goto By: Joe Gibson
Last Published Comic: 168 Months 4 Weeks ago
Description: The off-the-wall adventures of two detectives that are forced to team up with a group of superpowered vigilantes. Together they have to stop a large list of criminals ranging from truly ridiculous to truly evil.
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Rated: R
Topics: Adventure

Web Comic: Hyperness



- Goto By: JanJan
Description: A completely (ok, not COMPLETELY) random, slightly brain-numbing comic about me, a couple of my friends, Death, furry animals, killing sprees, and whatever pops up into my head.
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Web Comic: Megaman,Past;Present;Future



- Goto By: Andrew Stygles
Last Published Comic: 224 Months 4 Days ago
Description: Megaman, living his life inside and outside the game.See him like you've never seen before. With an incompetent Author pulling on the strings,secret villians who want to destroy the all and sheer stupidity, it's going to be a wild ride!
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Web Comic: The Spires


The Spires

- Goto By: David A J Berner and Fabrizio Pacitti
Description: As an official government-employed assassin in the City of Mobrak, Jeste enjoys a privileged life-style. Her privileges are about to be revoked!
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Web Comic: Love Bites


Love Bites

- Goto By: Chika Mercier
Description: It's a comic about me and my husband.
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Web Comic: Way of the Dodo


Way of the Dodo

- Goto By: Brian Gott
Description: Way of the Dodo is a skewed look at corporate America, complete with heartless management, clueless co-workers, and a Dodo named Oswald.
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Web Comic: STOCKS



- Goto By: P.T. O'Brien
Last Published Comic: 225 Months 1 Week ago
Description: Four parts photos, 3 parts snarky observational humor, 2 parts pop-references, and one part communist propganda. Bake at 350 for half an hour, and you've got yourself a serving of STOCKS. A comic that's totally ill-advised.
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Rated: PG
Topics: None

Web Comic: Bleedin' Hell!


Bleedin' Hell!

- Goto By: Jude Boi
Last Published Comic: 221 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: If i told you the truth you wouldn't believe me...
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Rated: PG
Topics: Fantasy, Science Fiction

Web Comic: The Far Reaches


The Far Reaches

- Goto By: Gerhard Bahnsen
Description: Weirdness and chronic laziness in the far reaches of space.
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