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Web Comic: The Girl Can Fly


The Girl Can Fly

- Goto By: Ben Avery
Description: This stick figure graphic novel is a fairy tale styled fantasy, drawn by a comic book writer in the spirit of expression and experimentation. Del has a secret: she can fly. But when she meets a boy who can?t walk, a dark shadow looms over them both.
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Web Comic: Nuestro aniversario


Nuestro aniversario

- Goto By: Aura Orimoto
Description: Historia corta de 3 p?ginas, sobre el aniversario de una pareja adolescente. Completo. S?lo en espa?ol.
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Web Comic: One Year of Love


One Year of Love

- Goto By: Eric Mart?n (ES Project)
Description: Chiaki y Mitsuki son una pareja de enamorados como cualquier otra. Pero ?l se ha cansado de dar el primer paso, as? que le dar? a Mitsuki la oportunidad de demostrar su amor. S?lo en espa?ol.
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Web Comic: Silent but Eggy


Silent but Eggy

- Goto By: Kent Belanger
Last Published Comic: 208 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: It's funny, just trust me. Go, check it out, and see if I'm lying... I dare you
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Rated: PG-13
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Web Comic: Kingdom Hearts II


Kingdom Hearts II

- Goto By: Al
Description: Just a comedy comic of Kingdom Hearts 2. (A bit of SoraxRiku/AxelxRoxas, but mostly is gag)
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Web Comic: Satellite Memory


Satellite Memory

- Goto By: Cazel R.
Description: A man in search of his memories, another determined to hide his past, and a girl seeking revenge.
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Web Comic: Blacken Asti Advertising


Blacken Asti Advertising

- Goto By: Roy Weatherley
Description: Probably the worst ad agency in the world.
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Web Comic: Blood Rose


Blood Rose

- Goto By: J.L. Haram
Description: Shoujo manga short, 16 pages. Romance/comedy.
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Web Comic: Spider, Hare and the Moon


Spider, Hare and the Moon

- Goto By: Yepa
Description: "Moon was sad. She had spent many years looking at the people on the Earth and she saw that they were afraid. They were afraid of dying. To make them feel better she decided to call her friend Spider."
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Web Comic: A Mystery In 13 Pages


A Mystery In 13 Pages

- Goto By: KO_Okami
Description: An experimental SILENT comic, that means no words to move the story along, only pictures. Can you solve the mystery? *Disclaimer: not really 13 pages, but done in 16 page parts. There are 5 parts.*
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