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Web Comic: Wandering Fate


Wandering Fate

- Goto By: Angie Child
Description: All the young Wanderer wants to do is to protect his clan and the Children of Luck by changing fate, whether or not he will break nature's biggest rule. But his weakness isn't allowing him.
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Web Comic: Half-Baked (the adventures of Coty and Nicholas)


Half-Baked (the adventures of Coty and Nicholas)

- Goto By: Nicholas
Description: Join Coty and me as we go through the hassels of daily life. Zombies, idiots, ninja monkeys, teachers, and school, and my inability to spell! (P.S. this is NOT a yaoi manga)
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Web Comic: Bunnyman



- Goto By: liam
Description: Bunnyman is the story of a manic depressive rabbit esc creation. Enjoy his daily struggles and his interaction with a world suspiciously empty and friends so uninteresting they never deserved names.
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Web Comic: Tweep



- Goto By: Ben Gamboa
Description: Wingin' It Since 2003.
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Web Comic: Phoenix Feathers


Phoenix Feathers

- Goto By: Morag Lewis, Sergei Lewis
Description: Fantasy story set in University. Features bash command magic, winged bikes, demon toothycats and how to exorcise a laptop. Mushroom fumes not included ^.^
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Web Comic: The Amoeba


The Amoeba

- Goto By: Paul Tye
Description: The Amoeba cartoon strip online. The school-life observations of a friendly microscopic life form and Doc, his eternal-youth-seeking human carer.
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Web Comic: Half-Life: The Lost Host


Half-Life: The Lost Host

- Goto By: Ashley Bryan
Description: This hilarious webcomic focuses on the life of 2 Metro-Police cops in City 17. Using the Half-Life 2 engine by Valve Software, this look into the life of genetically altered beings will have you laughing to death!
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Web Comic: Scratch and Sniff


Scratch and Sniff

- Goto By: Ben D.
Description: Scratch and Sniff are two college drop outs that live together. On one side you have Scratch, the calm genius/slacker. On the other you have Sniff, the spaced out skitzophrenic. And when these two collide, you could only expect insanity.
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Web Comic: No one of Consequence


No one of Consequence

- Goto By: Kati and Wesley Frazier
Description: Robots, Ninjas, Pirates, and more Robots . . . Random slices of hilarity from a sibling duo, consisting of no one of consequence.
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Web Comic: Eika & Hannibal


Eika & Hannibal

- Goto By: Tom Sausen
Description: The two pets Eika and Hannibal (dog & cat) are living together with their owner in a house. Eika is a nice little, brown dog, who's trying to be a good guarddog. Hannibal, the black cat means, that he's the ruler of the whole house.
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