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Web Comic: Debt On


Debt On

- Goto By: Scott Morris
Description: Three college graduates dive bravely into the job market... in the shallow end.
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Web Comic: December & Francis


December & Francis

- Goto By: Yuki
Description: D&F is about two best friends and their interactions with the people around them. Craziness ensues...Light shounen-ai included. ^^
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Web Comic: December 2105


December 2105

- Goto By: Adam Szary
Description: "There were no bombs, no third world war, no meteor, shit, there weren't even any dieseases. At least at first..." Postapocalyptic online comic.
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Web Comic: Decending Darkness


Decending Darkness

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Last Published Comic: 204 Months 3 Weeks ago
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Decibel The Comic


Decibel The Comic

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Last Published Comic: 216 Months 2 Weeks ago
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Web Comic: Decimated Eden


Decimated Eden

- Goto By: Sivvy Dawson (PhoenixCrash) user profile
Last Published Comic: 164 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: A princess (Kurashu) wants to know about the Phoenician and it’s culture. She hires a knight name Serge, and they both set out on a journey to the Phoenician realm with their companions. What they don’t know is that the dark forces of Eden are in search for the Oracle which they believe they have found, and will stop at nothing to recover it. Encountering Dragons and their Dragoons Kurashu and Serge and the others will have to battle the dark forces in order to reveal the truth of the Oracle and of the past. The battle for the light and darkness has begun. Who will rage victorious and who will fall into the abyss?
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Pen
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Relationships, Romance, Drama, Action

Web Comic: Decrepit Seal


Decrepit Seal

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Last Published Comic: 202 Months 3 Weeks ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: Decypher



- Goto By: Phactorri
Description: A strip about a cafe called the Grind, and the employees who run it. Elements of subculture and science fiction mash in one soup of humor.
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Web Comic: Ded End


Ded End

- Goto By: Ryan Borella
Description: about a little dead boy with no arms named Ded, and his interactions with his creator and surroundings, or lack thereof
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Web Comic: Dedso quest


Dedso quest

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Topics: None
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