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Web Comic: Wicked Alchemy


Wicked Alchemy

- Goto By: Inqy
Description: A world more than a character. The artwork has improved since 2003. Set in two books so far, it's now following Garrett's search for the last of a magic family line. His impossible task could mean the difference between eternity and damnation.
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Web Comic: Kitsune Kiki


Kitsune Kiki

- Goto By: Samuel & David Thomas user profile
Last Published Comic: 179 Months 4 Days ago
Description: This webcomic follows the story of Kiki; a 400 year old Kitsune, who originally lived during ancient Japan, was punished for a crime she didn't commit, and was sealed up. 500 years have passed, and she now reawakens to a more modern time period, and seeks to regain her true power, and ultimately, her place in the world. In the background however, are lurking evils, both spirit and human, that will come to affect the Kitsune girl and her new family and friends. And just like in the Japan she used to remember, she finds herself defending, this time, a sleeping California, unknowing of the secret war that's about to be waged.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Animals, Fantasy, Nature, Relationships, Spritual, Humor, Science Fiction, Parody/Satire, Action, Crazy

Web Comic: Blacklight



- Goto By: Mich Allen, Kara Dennison
Description: The ongoing story of an adventurers' guild, most notably their inept healer and the blast-happy kid sister of the guild's finest swordsman.
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Web Comic: HAMP



- Goto By: Alex Gibson
Description: A boy, his friends, the ocasional ninja. Will ROCK YOUR WORLD.
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Web Comic: Seed Hunter Maggy


Seed Hunter Maggy

- Goto By: Kasti
Description: A universe parallel to Earth is in danger of loosing its balance of space and time. Maggy needs to recover "seeds" in order to restore both balance in the parallel and modern universe.
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Web Comic: The Drops


The Drops

- Goto By: KajiComics
Description: A humor/oddball comic about Drops that are creatures that decide spirits, souls, and ghosts paths.
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Web Comic: Grand Blue Door


Grand Blue Door

- Goto By: R.S. Veverka
Last Published Comic: 139 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: 11-year-old Fiona Truitt is about to spend her summer vacation at her second cousin's Grand Blue Door Hotel... where the unusual lurks.
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Web Comic: It Wasn't Your Day


It Wasn't Your Day

- Goto By: Chris Holden
Description: It Wasn't Your Day is a weekly comic featuring my brand of dark, twisted humor. IWYD started as a simple comic, but how has it's own artistic style and full color comics. Some find the humor to be a bit dismal and offensive, but I hope you like it.
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Web Comic: the mARTyr


the mARTyr

- Goto By: Henrik Rehr
Description: Short about the risks of the art world.
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Web Comic: Psychic Megan


Psychic Megan

- Goto By: Castor CGC
Description: Webcomic in spanish language. Megan es una joven con habilidad telequinética. Tyrssa es una chica italiana con poder telepático. Megan debe viajar en busca de su hermana extraviada. Tyrssa viaja en busca de sus recuerdos perdidos. Dos chicas, dos caminos, un mismo destino. Drama, fantasy.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Monthly
Art: Pen
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Fantasy, Relationships, Spritual, Drama
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