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Web Comic: Half-Baked (the adventures of Coty and Nicholas)


Half-Baked (the adventures of Coty and Nicholas)

- Goto By: Nicholas
Description: Join Coty and me as we go through the hassels of daily life. Zombies, idiots, ninja monkeys, teachers, and school, and my inability to spell! (P.S. this is NOT a yaoi manga)
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Web Comic: Bunnyman



- Goto By: liam
Description: Bunnyman is the story of a manic depressive rabbit esc creation. Enjoy his daily struggles and his interaction with a world suspiciously empty and friends so uninteresting they never deserved names.
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Web Comic: Tweep



- Goto By: Ben Gamboa
Description: Wingin' It Since 2003.
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Web Comic: Phoenix Feathers


Phoenix Feathers

- Goto By: Morag Lewis, Sergei Lewis
Description: Fantasy story set in University. Features bash command magic, winged bikes, demon toothycats and how to exorcise a laptop. Mushroom fumes not included ^.^
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Web Comic: The Amoeba


The Amoeba

- Goto By: Paul Tye
Description: The Amoeba cartoon strip online. The school-life observations of a friendly microscopic life form and Doc, his eternal-youth-seeking human carer.
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Web Comic: Half-Life: The Lost Host


Half-Life: The Lost Host

- Goto By: Ashley Bryan
Description: This hilarious webcomic focuses on the life of 2 Metro-Police cops in City 17. Using the Half-Life 2 engine by Valve Software, this look into the life of genetically altered beings will have you laughing to death!
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Web Comic: Scratch and Sniff


Scratch and Sniff

- Goto By: Ben D.
Description: Scratch and Sniff are two college drop outs that live together. On one side you have Scratch, the calm genius/slacker. On the other you have Sniff, the spaced out skitzophrenic. And when these two collide, you could only expect insanity.
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Web Comic: No one of Consequence


No one of Consequence

- Goto By: Kati and Wesley Frazier
Description: Robots, Ninjas, Pirates, and more Robots . . . Random slices of hilarity from a sibling duo, consisting of no one of consequence.
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Web Comic: Eika & Hannibal


Eika & Hannibal

- Goto By: Tom Sausen
Description: The two pets Eika and Hannibal (dog & cat) are living together with their owner in a house. Eika is a nice little, brown dog, who's trying to be a good guarddog. Hannibal, the black cat means, that he's the ruler of the whole house.
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Web Comic: Kitty Litter


Kitty Litter

- Goto By: Ryan Holgersen & Nathan Brewer
Description: Zombies, robots, pirates, and monsters. Who would think a comic about a cat and her owner would have so much?
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