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Web Comic: b o m b a s t i c a


b o m b a s t i c a

- Goto By: M Y K, -Jolley-
Description: Bombasitca is a comic about 2 Gamers, Paul and Dexter and basically satire of the whole entertainment industry.
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Web Comic: True Magic


True Magic

- Goto By: Aja and :D
Description: Three ambitious peasants venture forth to vanquish evil! Evil responds by either laughing at them, or hitting on them. Remember, ladies: you can't spell "necromancer" without "romance."
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Web Comic: Tact and Civility


Tact and Civility

- Goto By: Ryan Doyle and Chris Gallinger
Description: Two guys, the ruler of the underworld, an evil sock puppet, and a manchild. All livin together under one roof......Except for the last two. They're next door. It's Tact, it's Civility. It's....just combine those two words.
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Web Comic: After The End of The World


After The End of The World

- Goto By: Matthew Porter
Description: Giant Robots, Border Wars, and the People inside both.
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Web Comic: Malcolm



- Goto By: David Lee
Description: "Malcolm" may not be the most artistic strip out there, but it isn't meant to be. It's simply meant to add a little chuckle to your day by telling everything that happens with Malcolm, his friend Max, Max's sister Alexis, and Alexis' boyfriend Ricky.
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Web Comic: Quamran



- Goto By: Kane Lynch
Description: A boy in a futuristic utopia is being heralded as a prophet and the only person who doesn't believe in him is his closest friend.
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Web Comic: UndeRealm



- Goto By: LimboWoman
Description: An Orphan boy, bitter and cynical about his past, is sent to a christian school as his last resort, after he is kicked out of his last school for misbehaviour. (Yaoi/Shounen-ai)
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Web Comic: Surviving Mars


Surviving Mars

- Goto By: Brian Daniel
Description: "Mars: a desolate, sub-zero, near-lifeless wasteland. Only people with the worst run of luck would ever want to live there. Of course, those of us born here didn?t get a choice in the matter." -Officer Brandon Dryden, Surviving Mars
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Web Comic: [sakoya: a legend of seraphim]


[sakoya: a legend of seraphim]

- Goto By: robin
Description: two girls are transported to a magical realm in the middle of a horrific war. separated by the warring factions, Sakoya determines to find Sarah in the midst of dangerous magic and vicious genocide. a story about love, war, and redemption.
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Web Comic: Urban Trash


Urban Trash

- Goto By: Jeremy Nell
Description: Urban Trash is a true story about a few South Africans trying to make their way in life...
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