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Web Comic: We Don't Get It Either


We Don't Get It Either

- Goto By: Jackie Keiser
Description: Understanding is Overrated
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Web Comic: Sara and David


Sara and David

- Goto By: Alexander Aberle user profile
Description: A tale of video games, adventure, hot alien chicks, demons, love and a few explosions. Oh, and fan service. The First 3D anime webcomic! New comics in production!
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: 3D
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction, Action, Gaming, Crazy

Web Comic: Saturnalia



- Goto By: space coyote
Description: In the year 2999, an arrogant young cop struggles to keep his job amid a muddled relationship with his ex and a secret life that goes against all the principles of his job.
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Web Comic: Moose River


Moose River

- Goto By: Philippe Van Lieu
Description: Moose River is about people failing. Or about bad people being treated to undeserving success. I'm trying my best to avoid using cliches. Please read it! (I'm asking nicely...)
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Web Comic: Elysian Mene


Elysian Mene

- Goto By: Hannah Chang and Naomi Hong
Description: A girl unwittingly releases an experiment from ancient times and journeys with him to regain his humanity.
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Web Comic: Nine Lives


Nine Lives

- Goto By: Nikki Stavin
Description: the characters of this story are furry but that is not the focus. It?s a story about relationships, life and imperfection. these characters are essentially human, the only difference is their appearance. please have an open mind!
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Web Comic: Go Fish


Go Fish

- Goto By: Rachael Peabody
Description: A young man is beseeched by a god for help in finding a new religion to belong to. However, the young man is a blatant atheist and the god is evil. Be engulfed by this delicious comic. Updating currently Saturdays and Sundays.
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- Goto By: iDNAR
Description: A group of terrorists are captured and sent to a maximum security prison after a failed attempt to assasinate the president, and are awaiting their execution. Their only chance to survive make their time is escape...
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Web Comic: ElLF n' TROLL



- Goto By: AP. Furtado
Description: Elf n? Troll is a thrill-packed, humorous, fantasy adventure for readers of all ages. It is the story of great adventures, grand misadventures, and through it all the endurance of a unique friendship.
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Web Comic: The Tao of Geek


The Tao of Geek

- Goto By: Liz Walsh
Description: Geeks, humour, stories, a demon samurai from a video game... oh yeah.
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