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Web Comic: 41 STORIES



- Goto By: james stokoe
Description: a stoolie with a briefcase of cocaine attached to his arm tries to escape from a 41 story building, whilst bad boy yardies, a punk rock junkie, and a sex craved female are on his trail.
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Web Comic: Zoo Street


Zoo Street

- Goto By: Mitch Wallace
Description: Zoo animals that rule, are ruled or don't care. It's where simplicity meeths mayhem and mayhem meets simplicity again.
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Web Comic: Bubs World


Bubs World

- Goto By: J Patrick Payne
Description: A Tale of Damnation
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- Goto By: The Forest Collective
Description: A copy/paste bear and his surreal friends endure countless existential nonsensical adventures, and then have snacks!
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Web Comic: Geek Tragedy


Geek Tragedy

- Goto By: Ed Ryzowski
Description: Geek Tragedy: Where there is a difference between being dead, and having no life.
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Web Comic: Antique White House


Antique White House

- Goto By: Diana Sasse
Description: John F. Kennedy rules the United Territories of America - an alternative world which could have been ours, if history had bypassed the middle ages. A charming Fantasy with adventure, Erotic and many unexpected things. Be prepared for the unknown!
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Web Comic: Wayrift -- FFIV Manga


Wayrift -- FFIV Manga

- Goto By: Aywren & Syntyche user profile
Description: Over 1000 pages in the archives! Wayrift is a manga fantasy webcomic that hosts a welcoming community of readers, writers and artists through a blog, forums, and comment chat. The comic is loosely based off of the RPG video game Final Fantasy IV. Updates M/W/F without fail!
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Drama, Epic

Web Comic: Stink City


Stink City

- Goto By: Sean Wilson, Nihilist Glee Club, Cancerhead(music)
Description: It's a violent and graphic town without colour...well, maybe a little red...but that's it! It's where photographer Wonky Putzfiz exists under the shadow of the powerful and corrupt...
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Web Comic: Wish?



- Goto By: Sylvia T. Leung
Description: For Basil Toback, his 18th birthday might as well have been a death knell. The family that he has always loved turned on him, he has been granted wishes that he does not want, and an impending sense of doom he can't escape.
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Web Comic: Blessed



- Goto By: Jen Brooks, Alicia McHenry (Studio Eternity)
Description: An ancient battle has now emerged and with every century that has passed the weak evil becomes stronger. It has now reached it's time for a final battle, and the Blessed are all that stand in the way of utter destruction or salvation of this world.
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