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Web Comic: Above Destiny


Above Destiny

- Goto By: Lynda Lam
Description: Follow Leola and Concetta on their journey of self discovery and the special powers they have inherited... all while trying not to kill each other first.
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Web Comic: Baka-kun



- Goto By: Christopher Penzenik
Description: Originally a trip into a fantasy world by 2 college roommates, it has been relaunched, starting with a parody of the Wizard of Oz. Afterwards, the crazy lives of the characters takes over.
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Web Comic: Somewhere Out There


Somewhere Out There

- Goto By: Rez
Description: A young girl got turned into a half breed six years ago by a crazy doctor. Now she's looking for a place where she can call home.
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Web Comic: Antagonist



- Goto By: SwimmingTrunks
Description: Antagonist is about failed villain K, exiled from the League of Villains, left to survive in an only slightly less ludicrous world. Can K and evil triumph? Biased Critics say "dark, secretly sarcastic?humorous in an apathetic sort of way"
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Web Comic: Mystic Revolution


Mystic Revolution

- Goto By: Jennifer Brazas
Last Published Comic: 662 Months 1 Week ago
Description: Hot Chicks. L33t Ninjas. Cute anthro-kitty girls. What more could you want?
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Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Gaming

Web Comic: Epi Del : Demowalker


Epi Del : Demowalker

- Goto By: Amber Brooke Rimkus
Description: Mirage wanted nothing more then to wander her life alone, but with the encroaching threat of Fate on her horizon, even her closest companions become liabilities.
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Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: John & Friends


John & Friends

- Goto By: Christopher Toler
Description: Third-grader John adjusts to life in a small town after growing up in a big city. Among the new friends he makes are a junior narcissist, a ditzy airhead, and a combination computer geek/evil-genius-in-training. Wackiness ensues.
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Web Comic: Deb's House of Obscurity


Deb's House of Obscurity

- Goto By: mrcrypt (crow, G, FFORD, et all)
Description: Welcome to the House of Obscurity! Comics updated periodically!!! Lots to see ...check it out! "Booze, French Fries, Pin-Ups, and Comics!" ~the Daily Neutral
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Web Comic: Carbon Marrow


Carbon Marrow

- Goto By: Raymond Tan
Description: Comics by Raymond Tan, sterilized and randomized for public consumption. Best viewed through a filter through a filter through a filter. A parody of a parody (double negative brings me back to where I was in the first place ha ha)
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Web Comic: The Real Mattman!


The Real Mattman!

- Goto By: Matthew Weitkamp
Description: Faster than a speeding slug, more powerful than the British Monarch, and able to leap tall buildings . . . with the aid of a helicopter. It's the REAL Mattman!
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