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Web Comic: On Hiatus the comic


On Hiatus the comic

- Goto
Description: A semi-biographical comic on how the world is seen by the author's imagination. Based on the lives of three geeks Jo, Chris and Mike. With the occassional appearance of more geeks, random gender switching, an apathetic frog and bad humour.
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Web Comic: Super Savior Jesus Go!


Super Savior Jesus Go!

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Description: Jesus has returned to Earth in his attempt to balance good and evil. But this's personal!
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Web Comic: Guilty Gear Assassins


Guilty Gear Assassins

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Description: Doujin based on the popular 2D fighter game Guilty Gear XX. The story follows the exploits of the Japanese and Assassins crew.
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Web Comic: Lester Severe


Lester Severe

- Goto
Description: It is the future, thousands of years from now. Humanity has spread from it's native solar sytem, and the ruin that is the Earth, to settle among the stars. And we are definitely NOT alone.
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- Goto
Description: A young man named "Galvin Fry" witness a crash alien space ship.Galvin is told by the dieing alien that a invasion is coming. And is giving a gaunlet glove called "The Gadget Tron" which possesses power that in use he can merg into "GUYTRON".
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Web Comic: Tempest Rising


Tempest Rising

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Description: There is no religion. There is no God. Only the age-old battle between Angels and Demons. Can a runaway Angel and the King of Demons put an end to the fighting?
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- Goto
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Web Comic: Dreamer's Paradise


Dreamer's Paradise

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Description: Did you ever dream of a world that you go to when your asleep? One that others can go to? Well that world is not a dream... Welcome, Sleepers, to Dreamer's Paradise, where only Sleep Walkers and Dreamers have free access.
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Web Comic: First Rule of Bounty Hunting


First Rule of Bounty Hunting

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Description: The continuing education of a robotic bounty hunter in a galaxy of technology and magic. Just starting, updates when I get around to it.
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Web Comic: Commissar, kill that man


Commissar, kill that man

- Goto
Description: Its about warhammer and stuff
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