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Web Comic: A Fistful of Kung Fu


A Fistful of Kung Fu

- Goto By: Gareth Pavlich
Description: Drifter in Shanghai. Yakuza versus Triad. KUNG FU KILLERS- GO!
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Web Comic: Prince of Ice


Prince of Ice

- Goto By: Mica J. L. (ElvenChild02/DarkElf92)
Description: Prince of Ice is a thrice weekly comic (tues-thurs-sun). Boy meets elf, except more complicated.
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Web Comic: Naqua



- Goto By: Betsy Tao
Description: If the shield collapses, they will all drown... Dawk, Nil and Lindee embark on a search for the one rare resource that will keep the shield running.
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Web Comic: Quacker and Bowen


Quacker and Bowen

- Goto By: Mark Garabedian
Description: Would-be screenwriter Quacker Duk, and his partner in crime Bowen, share an apartment with their friend Opal, as they learn to live, love and discuss pointless gamer/pop-culture minutiae.
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Web Comic: The Little Bear Who Knew Fear


The Little Bear Who Knew Fear

- Goto By: Alexander Danner and Bill Duncan
Description: A darkly cute original fable about a wicked little bear who dreams of greatness. Twenty-two pages.
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Web Comic: what: the comic


what: the comic

- Goto By: Daniel Louwe
Description: A cross between xkcd and Explosm, but with about a tenth of the art talent and humor.
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Web Comic: Captain Outstanding: Freelance Hero


Captain Outstanding: Freelance Hero

- Goto By: Scott A. Skillings
Description: After being kicked out of the Guild of Glory for being pretty much useless, Captain Outstanding tries to make it on his own.
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Web Comic: Make with the funny


Make with the funny

- Goto By: Paul Spencer, Ryan Abrahams & Aaron Harrison-Brown
Description: Based in our local town of Perth, Western Australia, MWTF follows the lives of our characters; Rex, Walker, Zak and Sydney as they discover they have a knack at summoning adventure, zane and all things bizarre to the sleepy town. Fun times ensue.
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Web Comic: DwarfTossing



- Goto By: D.Mason
Description: A study of fantasy cliches at it's finest.. ELVES GO WILD!!!!!! ORC ON ORC ACTION!!!! DWARVEN NUDISTS!!!! HUGE. BLANK. EYEBALLS!!!!!
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Web Comic: Frisby



- Goto By: Leo Alterman
Last Published Comic: 39 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: Heya, I'm Leo. I like to draw cartoons in my spare time. Every once and a while, I'll draw one that's coherent and has a punchline. I usually post those here.
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