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Web Comic: Roomies



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Description: The real-life misadventures of Jake and Zack. Every comic is based on an actual event or conversation. Yes, my life is this sad, and my roommate is insane.
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Web Comic: A Citizen's Guide To Life


A Citizen's Guide To Life

- Goto
Description: A Citizen's Guide To Life is a daily webcomic that began on July 16, 2007. It stars an anonymous man venturing through an unrealistic world that is his reality. It's meant to be humorous.
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Web Comic: Idle Thoughts


Idle Thoughts

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Description: The day to day thoughts of a chronic doodler and her imaginary aquaintences. Home of Patches The Undead Wonder Cat! Updates every-other day.
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Web Comic: Online Gamers' COMIC


Online Gamers' COMIC

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Description: Jokes about online gaming and more!
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Web Comic: Teenage Mutant Ninja Cipan (MEOZEQ's Webcomic)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Cipan (MEOZEQ's Webcomic)

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Description: Ninja Cipan try to change the world for a brighter future. Can they do it?
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Jitters 4-4


Jitters 4-4

- Goto By: Rhapsodae user profile
Description: Jitters 4-4 evolves about four characters in the New Eden Universe, the world of the game Eve Online. Each character represents one of the four races that dominate space. In the core Eve online is a spaceship game, but J44 tries to translate those mechanics to a personal, human level. Enjoy
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: PG
Topics: Politics, Space, Humor, Science Fiction, Action, Gaming

Web Comic: Tales of Lustria


Tales of Lustria

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Description: Set in the realms of Lustria, the most hostile enviroment outside the 'Realms of Chaos'. It is home to the ancient Lizardmen, whomb have lived there for hundreds upon thousands of years.
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Web Comic: Jus' Shroomin'


Jus' Shroomin'

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Description: It has Superman in it... Does it need more?
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: Outlaws Tales


Outlaws Tales

- Goto
Description: Sci-Fi Western created using full-on CG, updated reguarly.
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Web Comic: Lennie



- Goto
Description: sdsdsdfmgfmklghmklghjgfmklgfml;gfnmklmk
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