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Web Comic: Avarice: Gods of Time


Avarice: Gods of Time

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Description: When rumors travel across Anuh'Ra that the Tome of Ephemeral has appeared once more, and many sacrifices are to be made. It's now up to Abydos Tronjheim, an Assassin Bloodletter, and Livio Rhishart, the Roshan Army General to retrieve it.
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Web Comic: The Politician


The Politician

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Description: Daily strip about the World's worst politician.
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Web Comic: Like a Ride


Like a Ride

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Description: Love, betrayal, mistrust, and the lost of what is unbearable in the life of a young girl, May. This is a short story about her journey!
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Web Comic: Big head productions


Big head productions

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Description: The name is self explanitory but this is a humor series that will contain manga stories and between those times comics romance,humor,ect.
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Web Comic: Shoepudding #1: I, Robot


Shoepudding #1: I, Robot

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Description: I, Robot
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Web Comic: Shoepudding #2: Do robots..?


Shoepudding #2: Do robots..?

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Description: Do robots..? Now you know!
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Web Comic: I Fell Down The Stairs


I Fell Down The Stairs

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Last Published Comic: 171 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: Random and crude humor, updated daily. Go on, look. You know you wanna. Oh.. no? well that's fine.. I didn't want you to look anyway. I don't care.. OH PLEASE GOD LOOK I'M A LONELY CARTOONIST
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Rated: R
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Web Comic: Liquid Kids


Liquid Kids

- Goto By: Kris user profile
Description: Comics about kids being bad, adults being bad, and the author being bad. Everyone sucks.
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Update: 2 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: Independent
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Life, Politics, School, Relationships, Humor, Parody/Satire, Crazy

Web Comic: FANCY



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Description: Gay erotica. FANCY is written by Dale Lazarov, author of STICKY. In FANCY, Dale and Delic take you into fantasy worlds... with hot fantasy couplings: wizards and princes, woodsmen and barbarians in lust and in love in enchanted settings.
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Web Comic: Uncle Doug


Uncle Doug

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Description: To look at him you would chalk Doug up as just another loser. But look closer. Not only is he a fantastic Uncle to his brother's kids, but also a very successful business man. YES! Looks are deceiving -especially when it comes to Doug Tanner.
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Rated: PG
Topics: None
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