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Web Comic: The Final Fantasy 6 Comic


The Final Fantasy 6 Comic

- Goto By: Orinocou
Description: This fanwork is an adaptation of the story of Final Fantasy 6. It is (thankfully) not a sprite comic. The artist makes no claim to owning the Final Fantasy name, characters, etc.
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Web Comic: AquaPirates!



- Goto By: Ainsmar
Description: Probably some of the most off beat humor you will find wrapped up in a set-up containing pirates in a submarine; all of which have their own reasons to be considered mentally ill. Really, it's just to amuse.
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Web Comic: Next Generation Heroes


Next Generation Heroes

- Goto By: Noble Jax Evey
Description: After a large amount of mastic energy on the world humans changed in to new forms and thousand's gained new natal ability's. This left many unchanged humans wonder what would happen to them
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Web Comic: Touch



- Goto By: Anne Rossman
Description: A young Olympic bound fencer gets pulled into an adventure that crosses time and test the limits of love.
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Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure

Web Comic: The Lord of Arenheim


The Lord of Arenheim

- Goto By: T. Spero
Description: A dark fairy tale about two young boys who must overcome an evil that has taken control of three worlds. Their quest leads them to find the answer to saving the worlds lies in a tragic love story, and a demon?s name. Updated every Mon, Wed, Friday.
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Web Comic: Trip



- Goto By: Fae
Last Published Comic: 203 Months 1 Week ago
Description: The life and random events of a college student named Trip. Including what would have been a seemingly normal cast plus a posessed spoon and a villian who loves vanilla pudding. College was never like this.
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Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: Diary of a Catering Whore


Diary of a Catering Whore

- Goto By: Sean Seamus McWhinny
Description: Mostly true stories of my experiences as an artist by day/catering waiter/bartender by night for San Francisco high society. From wacky house parties to celebrity weddings. Updated every Tuesday.
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Web Comic: Locoma versus Mr. Advertising


Locoma versus Mr. Advertising

- Goto By: Locoma
Last Published Comic: 182 Months 1 Week ago
Description: A love story/drama between two long time friends is mixed with a really weird story about a troubled guy who was split into his multiple sides while trying to fight his #1 enemy: Mr. Advertising. Very Loco
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Rated: R
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Web Comic: Cafe Buzz


Cafe Buzz

- Goto By: Amy Fowler (Bellaluna)
Description: Welcome to the Cafe Buzz; a small cafe with a warm feel to it. The cafe is filled with a variety of characters. It is said that every person has at least one good story in them. Step in and you might hear them.
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Web Comic: Rebirth of Destiny


Rebirth of Destiny

- Goto By: S.Durriyyah
Description: Young Evrae, the sole dark elf of the land, has spent his short life on Iivenloir as an outcast. Unlucky for him, he soon finds himself in the middle of a conflict that threatens the entire world.
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